Sunday, September 29, 2024

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62% of Pakistanis Boycotting Israeli Products Amidst Global Protest

In response to the ongoing Israeli actions against Palestinians, a significant portion of the Pakistani population is participating in a boycott of products from Israel and its allies. According to a recent survey conducted by Gallup Pakistan, 62% of Pakistanis have stated that they are actively boycotting these products. Meanwhile, 24% of the respondents indicated that they are not participating in the boycott.

This move aligns with a broader global protest against Israeli policies and actions, reflecting widespread support for the Palestinian cause. The boycott includes a range of products and services associated with Israel and its supporting entities, highlighting the Pakistani public’s stance on the matter.

The survey results underscore the strong sentiments and solidarity among Pakistanis with the oppressed Palestinian population, joining many other nations and groups around the world in similar acts of protest.


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