Observance of Kashmir Solidarity Day


Human history was crammed with laws in which the use of illegal force always failed to crush nations and the same thing was being witnessed in Indian unlawfully Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. These were the views expressed by President Dr Arif Alvi, Prime Minister Imran Khan and Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa. They said that world should take serious notice of brutalities and oppression committed by India in occupied Kashmir and this is the right time to solve Kashmir dispute for a permanent peace in the region. The Indian government with all its brutalities had failed to halt the determined brave people of Kashmir from seeking their right to self-determination through a peaceful means. The president AJK was addressing the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly in connection with the observance of Kashmir Solidarity Day. AJK president said if there was peace in occupied Kashmir India should open up the occupied territory for social media and international delegations. There was a continuous silence to the Indian forces’ open aggression, brutalities, state-sponsored terrorism, illegal arrests and extra-judicial killings of the innocent Kashmiris. Rape had been used as an instrument of the State to terrorize and repress the ongoing struggle for freedom. The Kashmiri leadership was put under house arrest but Indian forces could not stop the determination of Kashmiri leader. The president questioned under which international law, the Indian forces had been destroying houses and using rape. He observed that a very complex situation had emerged out of the Hindutva policy being pursued by the Indian government that wanted to rewrite its history with false stories.
Pakistan had come into being through democracy as people of the sub-continent had voted for it. The Muslim majority Kashmir had been a part of Pakistan and would remain its part. The president called upon the international community to take immediate notice of the human rights violations in Indian held Kashmir. The prime minister had already voiced to the world that India was going on a brutal path of killing of minorities, besides carrying out an official genocide of Kashmiris by destroying their livelihood, future generations and economy. The president said that no one could ignore such inhuman treatment of the Muslims and minorities in India. There would be no investment in held Kashmir. The president assured that India could not eat a single inch of the occupied territory with its failed tactics. The Muslims could not tolerate injustices when they were cornered. The president also urged the Kashmiri people to utilize the social media to highlight the issue further. The Kashmiris, he said wanted freedom through peaceful means and Pakistan was providing full opportunities to the global bodies including the UN, OIC and other forum to resolve the issue. The president, on the occasion, also repeated Pakistan’s moral, diplomatic and political support to the people of Kashmir.
Prime Minister Imran Khan stated it is time the world takes notice of India’s grave human rights violations in Indian unlawfully Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, including crimes against humanity, war crimes, brutal acts and the menace of forced democratic change in complete violation of the Geneva Convention. The pattern of ongoing atrocities shows the anti-peace and anti-Muslim ‘Hindutva’ agenda of extremist RSS-BJP. India has not heartily replied Pakistan’s efforts for peace and stability. Through its artillery, India has destabilized the entire region. India’s illegal and arrogant were disliked by Pakistan and the Kashmiris. The people of Pakistan are recalling the Kashmir Solidarity Day to reaffirm full support to the Kashmiris in their just struggle for their due right to self-determination. Pakistan stands united with Kashmiri brothers and sisters and committed to their lawful struggle for self-determination.
Modi’s brutal policies of oppression and violence have failed to crush the courage of the Kashmiri resistance in occupied the charged. Indian occupation forces persistently use brute force blindly against Kashmiri men, women, children and the elderly. The Kashmiri youth have been specifically targeted in their campaign of untiringly support to Kashmir. The most oppressive example of this are the use of pellet guns and destruction of entire neighborhoods including collective punishments on communities in Indian held Kashmir. The whole Indian state machinery is involved in these torture crimes against humanity. The above 900,000 Indian occupation forces continue to murder the Kashmiris through an attack on their different identity and culture through illegal demographic changes and economic banishment. Indian actions, aimed at converting the Muslim majority in occupied Kashmir into a minority in their own land, are in violation of UNSC resolutions and international law, including the 4th Geneva Convention. Permanent peace, security and development in the region depend on peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. It is necessary that India let the Kashmiris exercise their right to self-determination through a free and impartial plebiscite under the guidance of the United Nations without further fabrication
Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa paid tribute to people of Kashmir for their brave struggle. Tributes were paid to people of Kashmir, their resolve and valiant struggle, braving greatest human rights violations and lockdown in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir under Indian occupation forces, the COAS in his message on eve of Kashmir Solidarity Day stated. General Bajwa maintained that it was time to end the human tragedy and resolve Kashmir issue as per wishes of people of Jammu and Kashmir as per United Nations resolutions. Modi government cannot arrogantly end the constitutional status of Kashmir; he said and praised the people of Kashmir for struggling peacefully. He stated we are all advocates of Kashmiris’ rights.
The opposition leader Gilani stated following its illegal action of 2019, India is now engaged in altering the demographic character of occupied Kashmir. India has issued millions of domicile certificates to non-Kashmiris so as to convert the majority Muslim population in held Kashmir to a minority. These changes are being carried out through promulgation of illegal domicile rules, changes in property laws, and downgrading the status of Urdu language. Incentives are being offered to outsiders to settle on the occupied land of the Kashmiris in violation of international law, particularly the 4th Geneva Convention. He assured the Kashmiris with one voice that they would always stand with the Kashmiris till such time they get their right to self-determination in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions.

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