Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Pakistan Improving to Protect and support Religious Minorities :

Pakistan’s Efforts to Improve Protection and Support for Religious Minorities:

IRF Roundtable Chair for Pakistan and G 100 Women’s Economic Pakistan ( WEF) Gender Based Violence chair for Pakistan, Anila Ali international peace activist, recently concluded a tour across Pakistan bringing together diverse religious leaders, government officials, and civil society representatives to discuss and promote religious freedom and women’s inclusion in peace and security in the country.
The IRF roundtables, organized by the International Religious Freedom (IRF) Pakistan Office and sponsored by, American Muslim and Multifaith Women’s Empowerment Council (AMMWEC) aimed to foster dialogue and understanding among different religious communities and promote respect for religious diversity.

The roundtables, were held in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, and other smaller towns provided a platform for participants to share their perspectives and experiences on religious freedom in Pakistan. Discussions focused on the challenges faced by religious minorities, including discrimination, violence, and restrictions on religious practices. Participants also highlighted the importance of promoting tolerance and respect for all religions in order to build a more peaceful and inclusive society. Chairwoman Anila, met with the Christian faith leaders form Sargodha and Jaranwala to hear first hand their plight after the heinous attacks on Christian community and their houses of worship.

The IRF Pakistan, Coordinator and Director for Pakistan, Muhammad Kashif Mirza, who works to monitor and promote religious freedom around Pakistan, emphasized the importance of these roundtables in promoting dialogue and understanding among different religious communities. “Religious freedom is a fundamental human right that must be protected and respected for all individuals, regardless of their faith,” said Mr. Mirza. “Through these roundtables, we hope to promote greater understanding and respect for religious diversity in Pakistan and work towards a more inclusive and tolerant society.” quoted by Mrs. Aster Khalid Naz.”

“In recent past Pakistan has shown seriousness to tackle the religious freedom issues, it’s give us a hope that Govt. Institutions are responding promptly on hate crime, however there a lot need to improve and need to be done. Says Anila Ali

Roundtable Special guest was Honorable Mirza Ikhtiar Baig, Member of the National Assembly of Pakistan brought a message from President of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari that reaffirmed his government’s commitment to religious freedom and interfaith harmony.
The Islamabad Roundtable held for the first time, was hosted by Honorable Senator Kamran Michael. Senator Kamran has been an avid supporter of IRF and promoting and protecting minorities as he is also the president of one of the largest Christian organization.


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