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Economic Daily and CEN

Manzar Naqvi

In today’s interconnected world, economic narratives are not only shaped by policies and market forces but also by the media institutions that communicate these developments. Two of China’s most influential economic media platforms, Economic Daily and China Economic Net (CEN), play a pivotal role in crafting and disseminating China’s economic message to both domestic and international audiences. These platforms not only provide insight into China’s economic growth model and trade policies but also shape the narrative around China’s global collaborations and economic influence. In this article, we will explore how Economic Daily and CEN have become key actors in promoting China’s economic vision and how they contribute to shaping the global discourse around the country’s rise as a global economic powerhouse.

Crafting China’s Economic Message: A Dual Focus
Both Economic Daily and CEN have a dual mission: they inform China’s domestic audience about the government’s economic policies and developments while simultaneously shaping the international understanding of China’s economic strategy. By doing so, they serve as both a conduit of information and a strategic tool for the government’s economic messaging.

Domestically: Guiding Economic Understanding
Economic Daily, founded in 1983, is one of the most authoritative newspapers in China, known for its deep coverage of economic reforms, industry trends, and government policies. As China’s economy has transformed over the past four decades, Economic Daily has been at the forefront of documenting these changes, providing a platform for the government to explain its economic strategies to the domestic public. The newspaper is often seen as a voice of the government, helping to guide public understanding of economic policies and reforms. It plays an important role in shaping public discourse, fostering trust in China’s growth model, and educating the public on economic initiatives such as industrial upgrades, innovation-driven development, and rural revitalization.

With its extensive network of journalists, Economic Daily covers everything from agricultural reforms in China’s rural areas to the latest developments in its burgeoning tech industry. The paper frequently publishes in-depth analysis and commentaries on government white papers and policy initiatives, helping to clarify complex policies such as China’s five-year plans and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Through interviews with policymakers, economists, and business leaders, Economic Daily acts as an essential bridge between the government and the public, explaining the benefits of reforms and guiding public expectations.

Internationally: Promoting China’s Economic Growth Model
While Economic Daily focuses heavily on domestic coverage, CEN-its digital arm launched in 2000-has become a key player in extending China’s economic messaging to the global stage. As China’s influence on the world economy grows, so too does the need to communicate its economic policies and strategies effectively to international audiences. CEN, with its multilingual platform offering content in English, Arabic, and other languages, serves this purpose by promoting China’s economic model, trade policies, and international collaborations to a global readership.

CEN often highlights China’s success in sustaining high levels of economic growth, managing rapid urbanization, and fostering innovation-driven industries. By showcasing these achievements, CEN positions China’s economic development model as an alternative to Western models, particularly for developing countries looking for pathways to industrialization and economic modernization.

Promoting Trade Policies and International Collaborations
Both Economic Daily and CEN play crucial roles in promoting China’s trade policies, which have become central to its economic strategy over the past two decades. Key initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China’s Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), and its engagement with international organizations like the World Trade Organization (WTO) are all covered extensively by these platforms.

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
One of the most prominent areas where Economic Daily and CEN have shaped China’s economic narrative is the BRI, a global infrastructure and development project launched by China in 2013. Both platforms have been instrumental in framing the BRI as a win-win initiative that promotes global trade, economic development, and connectivity. Economic Daily frequently publishes articles on the positive impacts of the BRI, featuring stories of infrastructure projects across Asia, Africa, and Europe, as well as testimonials from local communities and leaders in BRI-participating countries.

CEN, in particular, plays an important role in promoting the BRI to international audiences. By providing comprehensive coverage of major infrastructure projects-such as railways, ports, and energy facilities-CEN showcases China’s leadership in global development. It also emphasizes the opportunities that the BRI creates for international trade and investment, presenting China as a partner in fostering global economic growth. This messaging is targeted not only at countries participating in the BRI but also at global investors, multinational corporations, and policymakers.

China’s Trade Policies and Global Integration
In addition to the BRI, Economic Daily and CEN extensively cover China’s trade policies, particularly its growing network of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and its participation in multilateral trade frameworks. Both platforms regularly report on China’s negotiations with the European Union, ASEAN, and other trading partners, positioning the country as a proponent of free trade and global economic integration.

One of the most important trade-related developments that both platforms have focused on is China’s involvement in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). RCEP is the world’s largest trade pact, involving 15 Asia-Pacific nations. By reporting on the economic benefits of RCEP for regional trade and investment, Economic Daily and CEN highlight China’s leadership role in promoting open markets and regional cooperation. This narrative helps reinforce China’s image as a responsible global economic player committed to fostering multilateralism, especially in contrast to protectionist policies emerging in some Western countries.

Shaping Global Perceptions of China’s Economic Diplomacy
A critical component of China’s global economic narrative is its role as a leader in global economic diplomacy. Economic Daily and CEN have been instrumental in communicating China’s commitment to international collaboration, particularly through institutions like the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and initiatives focused on climate change and green energy.

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Both platforms provide in-depth coverage of China’s efforts to lead multilateral institutions such as the AIIB, a development bank that funds infrastructure projects across Asia and beyond. Economic Daily frequently covers the AIIB’s role in providing financing for infrastructure projects in developing countries, positioning China as a key player in global development finance.

CEN, with its multilingual approach, promotes the AIIB’s achievements to international audiences, highlighting the bank’s emphasis on sustainability and infrastructure development. This coverage positions China as a leader in global development initiatives and reinforces the narrative that China’s rise benefits the global economy.

Green Energy and Sustainable Development
As the world faces increasing challenges related to climate change, both Economic Daily and CEN have shifted focus toward China’s efforts in sustainable development and green energy. By reporting on China’s investments in renewable energy, carbon reduction initiatives, and the development of new technologies such as electric vehicles and green hydrogen, these platforms shape the global perception of China as a responsible economic power addressing global environmental challenges.

Both Economic Daily and CEN emphasize China’s commitment to achieving its carbon neutrality goals by 2060, a message that resonates with international stakeholders focused on sustainability. By promoting China’s green energy efforts, these platforms aim to present China as a leader in the global fight against climate change, positioning its growth model as not only economically successful but also environmentally responsible.

A Coordinated Effort to Shape Global Economic Discourse
In brief Economic Daily and CEN are more than just news outlets; they are key players in shaping China’s global economic narrative. Through in-depth reporting, multilingual platforms, and a focus on both domestic and international audiences, these institutions craft and promote a carefully curated message that highlights China’s economic achievements, trade policies, and international collaborations.

As China continues to play a more prominent role on the global stage, Economic Daily and CEN will remain central to shaping how both China and the world understand its economic trajectory. Whether through detailed coverage of domestic reforms or global trade agreements, these platforms are essential in guiding the discourse on China’s evolving role in the world economy.


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