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A Day In The Life : Behind The Scenes At Economic Daily’s Newsroom


Manzar Naqvi

A media delegation from Karachi, Pakistan, visiting the Economic Daily and CEN, had the opportunity to tour the newsroom alongside Cui Jun, President of CEN. In the heart of Beijing, within a modern high-rise that houses Economic Daily, the newsroom buzzes with activity. As one of China’s most influential economic newspapers, Economic Daily plays a pivotal role in delivering timely, accurate, and insightful analysis on the nation’s economy.

Behind every headline is a dedicated team of journalists, editors, and digital strategists working to ensure the public receives reliable news. The delegation was also given an exclusive briefing, offering a glimpse into the daily operations of this renowned publication.

7:00 AM: The Early Birds – Journalists Hit the Ground Running
Long before the city’s streets fill with commuters, a group of early-rising journalists is already in the newsroom. The economy never sleeps, and neither do the markets they cover. The financial reporters tasked with international market updates, global trade, and early stock reports begin their day reviewing updates from Europe and the United States.
At the same time, domestic reporters monitor key economic indicators, such as factory output, trade figures, and corporate earnings reports. While many work in the newsroom, others are out on the field, attending press conferences or conducting interviews with economists, policymakers, and business leaders.

Despite the early hour, there’s a sense of urgency. Time-sensitive articles need to be written, fact-checked, and submitted for editing, all before the next wave of breaking news hits.

9:00 AM: The Morning Editorial Meeting
At 9:00 AM sharp, the newsroom’s editorial team gathers for the morning meeting. Editors, section chiefs, and senior journalists sit around a large table to discuss the day’s agenda. This meeting is crucial for determining which stories will take precedence in both the print and digital editions.

News priorities are set: should the focus be on domestic economic policy, new government regulations, or a major international trade development? What stories will be featured on the front page, and which will lead the website? Senior editors bring in their expertise, balancing immediate news coverage with deeper analysis pieces that will give readers a broader context.

During the meeting, the interaction between journalists and editors is dynamic. Reporters pitch their stories, while editors ask tough questions-Are the sources verified? What’s the angle? How does this affect broader economic policy? These exchanges highlight Economic Daily’s commitment to maintaining the highest journalistic standards.

10:00 AM: The Race Against the Clock – Reporting and Writing
After the meeting, the real hustle begins. Journalists dive into their assignments, balancing multiple sources of information. As the clock ticks, they make phone calls to government officials, financial analysts, and industry experts, gathering the insights needed to craft in-depth reports.

At the economic policy desk, a reporter is tasked with breaking down a complex new fiscal policy from the Ministry of Finance. This requires a deep understanding of the subject, meticulous fact-checking, and the ability to translate jargon into language that the general public can understand.

Meanwhile, a reporter covering the technology sector rushes to finish an article on the latest developments in China’s electric vehicle market. With fierce competition for being first to publish, speed and accuracy are paramount.

In an adjacent section of the newsroom, digital reporters prepare for a live-streamed event. The team covers an economic summit happening in real time, offering instant analysis to the platform’s growing online audience. The digital team works closely with reporters, ensuring that video clips and social media updates are timed perfectly to engage their followers.

12:30 PM: A Quick Break – But the News Never Stops
By noon, the newsroom begins to quiet slightly as journalists grab a quick lunch. However, even during breaks, the economic news cycle doesn’t pause. Reporters keep their phones handy, monitoring the latest updates from global markets and newswires. Editors skim through unfinished drafts, giving feedback to reporters and pushing articles through various stages of editing.

It’s a constant juggling act: breaking news must be handled with urgency, while more comprehensive stories-like an investigative piece on China’s tech giants-are polished through multiple rounds of edits to ensure clarity and precision.

2:00 PM: Collaboration in Action – Editors and Digital Teams Unite
Afternoon in the newsroom brings a noticeable shift in energy. Articles that were written in the morning are now flowing into the editorial queue. The editors work closely with journalists to refine the language, ensuring accuracy without sacrificing clarity. Key facts are checked, and language is tightened to fit the tone and style of Economic Daily.

Simultaneously, the digital team plays a crucial role. As the print edition undergoes its final stages of preparation, the website and mobile app require constant updates. The interaction between the editorial and digital teams is seamless: editors work with digital content managers to ensure that articles are formatted correctly for online publication, while social media managers prepare to push the content to their various platforms.

The newsroom also relies on data analytics to inform decisions. The digital team tracks which articles perform best in terms of readership and engagement. This helps the editorial staff decide which stories to prioritize for follow-up pieces or extended coverage. For example, an article on a government infrastructure project might gain significant attention online, prompting the team to develop a more in-depth analysis for the next day.

4:00 PM: Late Afternoon – Deadlines and Breaking News
As the afternoon progresses, the pressure to meet deadlines intensifies. Reporters scramble to finish articles before the print deadline, while editors finalize page layouts and headlines. On some days, breaking news hits late in the day, throwing the newsroom into overdrive. For instance, if a major economic report or a high-profile interview with a government official is released late in the afternoon, the newsroom pivots quickly. Journalists work under pressure, crafting detailed reports while editors keep an eye on the clock to ensure timely publication.

The interaction between the print and digital teams becomes even more crucial at this time. Digital reporters and social media managers take the lead on pushing breaking news, ensuring that stories go live on the website within minutes. The social media team crafts attention-grabbing headlines and posts on platforms like Weibo and WeChat to drive traffic.

6:00 PM: Wrapping Up – The Day’s Work Goes Live
By early evening, the newsroom begins to wind down, but the work is far from over. The day’s print edition is finalized, with the layout team preparing the newspaper for the next morning’s publication. Meanwhile, the digital edition continues to update, particularly as international markets open in the evening hours.

Before the day ends, another editorial meeting is held to review the day’s output and plan for tomorrow. Editors and reporters discuss the major stories that unfolded, assess how well the team handled breaking news, and strategize for the coming news cycle.

8:00 PM: Night Shifts and 24/7 Coverage
While most of the daytime staff heads home, the night shift steps in. As a 24/7 operation, Economic Daily’s digital team works around the clock to ensure coverage of international developments and financial markets. The night team closely monitors global events, particularly news from Europe and the United States, to ensure that Chinese readers wake up to fresh content in the morning.

The Pulse of Economic News
In short the daily rhythm of Economic Daily’s newsroom is a finely-tuned operation where journalists, editors, and digital teams work in concert to deliver accurate, insightful, and timely economic news. The commitment to excellence is evident in every interaction-whether it’s a reporter verifying sources, an editor refining a draft, or a digital team optimizing content for millions of readers.

Behind every published story is a dedication to informing the public, guiding policy discussions, and keeping pace with the dynamic and fast-moving world of economics. As Economic Daily continues to adapt to the demands of both print and digital audiences, its newsroom remains the beating heart of China’s economic journalism.

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