Veteran Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is undergoing surgery after being stabbed six times by an intruder during a robbery attempt at his Bandra residence in Mumbai. The attack occurred in the early hours of Thursday night at around 2:30 am local time, prompting immediate police involvement as the assailant fled the scene.
Details of the Incident
According to The Hindustan Times, the 54-year-old “Race” actor was confronted by the armed intruder after one of the nannies raised an alarm upon spotting the trespasser. Khan reportedly confronted the intruder, leading to a violent altercation during which he was stabbed multiple times.
Hospitalisation and Injuries
Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, arriving at approximately 3:30 am. Hospital COO Niraj Uttamani revealed that the actor sustained six injuries, two of which are severe, with one dangerously close to his spine.
“We are operating on him. The extent of damage will only be clear after the surgery is completed,” Uttamani told reporters.
Official Statement and Investigation
Khan’s team released a statement confirming the attempted burglary and requesting privacy:
“There was an attempted burglary at Mr. Saif Ali Khan’s residence. He is currently in hospital undergoing surgery. We request the media and fans to be patient. We will keep you updated on the situation.”
The police have launched an investigation to track down the suspect. Details about other individuals present in the house at the time remain unclear.
Fan and Industry Reaction
News of the attack has shocked Bollywood fans and colleagues alike, with an outpouring of concern and prayers on social media. Many have praised Khan’s bravery in confronting the attacker, while others have expressed outrage over the breach of security at his residence.
Further updates on Khan’s recovery and the police investigation are awaited.