Animal welfare and human responsibilities


Mahatma Gandhi has rightly said thatthe greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. It is unfortunate that no considerations are given against animal abuse in Pakistani society. The recent events against animals’ welfare are not new in the country. Two things are most alarming in these cases.
Firstly, the culprits are still not punished despite the case is highlighted by media at mass level.
Secondly, in Pakistan, there is no proper treatment for the large animals with broken or butchered legs. Few days ago, a donkey who was brutally beaten during fight between two families on land dispute, ultimately died because of. It is a matter of serious concern that the experts are treating the donkey for the last one week when neither any orthopedic surgery could be performed nor POP on the affected area was applied. Providing treatment by expert veterinarians other than euthanasia is really insane in this case. How we can expect from local people to adopt animal welfare practices when veterinarians, who are experts, are unknown of it? Same is the case with miserable camel who recently suffered fromthe cut limb and is in critical condition. Even though if animal survive she could not adjust with prosthetic leg throughout the life so rational decision was to out the animal in peaceful sleep forever rather to treat. Being a veterinarian is duty, not only to treat the animal rationally and ethically but also to join hands with government to expand the true concept of animal welfare across the country.
Religious leaders and scholars urged people to deal with animals with compassion and kindness .Animal welfare is purely Islamic concept. Like every living being, Islam gives rights to the animals. Allah created animals to serve mankind and in return make humans accountable for their rights. Prophet (SAAW) adjured Muslims to be kind to animals, birds and forbade any abuse towards animals in such words, “A good deed done to an animal is like a good deed done to a human being, while an act of cruelty to an animal is as bad as cruelty to a human being.” Once The Messenger of Allah (SAAW) passed by a camel that was so emaciated that its back had almost reached its stomach. He said, “Fear Allah in these beasts who cannot speak” (Abu Dawud). In Friday ceremony such social topic should be demonstrated to people that we are answerable to Allah for our all earthly matters
As duty bearer, it’s the core responsibility of the government to provide safe and healthy environment not only for citizens but also for all living being including animals. The animals can be safeguarded through implementation of animal welfare policies and acts in its true spirit. Improvement in prevention of cruelty to animal act 1890 should include requirements regarding compassionate animal handling, feeding, housing and must foster international five animal welfare domains; freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom from fear and distress and freedom to express normal behavior. There should be zero tolerance and the culprits should be given penalties and punishments by the authorities. Reward should also be given to super Heroes who do extraordinary things in this subject to encourage the society. In addition, government along with animal welfare NGOs should circulate the notion of animal welfare in societies.
Animal welfare idea should be introduced in curriculum from early classes so that this concept can be garnished in the mind of children from early ages. There are hundredsof animal welfare NGOs and livestock department who are entirelyworking on this subject, should emphasize that animals are sentient species and should not be threatened inhumanly. Society for the prevention of cruelty against animal (SPCA) should be made strengthened by government to resume its functioning against animal cruelty and abuses. They can take the help of social media which is powerful tool to disseminate the message of animal welfare at mass level.
In a nutshell, issue of cruelty against animals cannot be solved in isolation. Moral will of Government, civil society and NGOs are prerequisite to overcome this alarming issue and have potential to restore the country’s image. Experts should guide the policy makers to design and implement animal welfare policy in true letter and spirit. As a nation, we should not forget that the societies that lack respect for the animals eventually lose respect for human beings, endorsed by Wayne Gerard Trotman.