China – Modern military potential & concept of war


The rise of China in the 21st century has. Been a fascinating study. For all. There is no doubt that. Modern China has. come up as a major player in the International Politics and Power Play. In any country the military is the base and the strength of the state. It is the same for the China . In the follow up of the long March and success by Chairman Mao there was a huge task in front of the Chinese leadership to reorganize its forces which were basically organised to fight the imperialism. Thei organization and structure was erected like conventional l and gruella forces. Was based on the 19th century. Core values of the military. Nevertheless, the leadership of China embarked upon to modernize their military step by step. . The concept of the Chinese military is based on the fundamental principles. That, CPC is the ideal logic fountain head for all the military activities. The state activities are tailored according to this ideological base. The policies of the state revolve around the CPC policies. Civil supremacy is the basis of the Chinese governance and the control of the military. Military is the effective arm of the CPC. To implement the ideological basis and the policies. The policy guidelines emanate from the central body. The priority number one is building of the military force in a manner that it strengthens the ideological and political work of the party. It is the prime task of the military to strengthen and support the foundations of state . That , it carries forward strategic mooring of the state and ensure the socialistic values are preserved.

Modern warfare is the combination of the conventional. Concepts as well as the modern values enshrined in technology and information. The combination of technology and information and then meshing them up with a military strategy is a difficult task which has been performed by the Chinese leadership in the last 50 years in a superb manner. The basic aim of the military strategy is to carry out aims and objectives of the modern war machine of China especially to pursue it under the the nuclear strategy. For that military is the custodiam of the defence of the state especially in a multi polar and multi power environment. The military must continue to strengthen the Chinese way of life and for that China has built fortified National defence. It must be noted that China, more than any other country of the world needed a continued peace to implement their policies. Unlike the United States who rely on use of force, or for that matter, Europe. started by more.

The follow up leadership of China and presently it is the vision of the President Xi Jinping. To ensure the capability of the modern military machine can match the world Powers by 2035. It is interesting to note that the phase one of their modernization has already been completed by 20 20. The fundamental pillars of that development have been the guidelines given by the president XI Jinping to the military. The first is the loyalty to the CPC. That mean the civil supremacy . For that vision the military was given a task to strengthen itself through a series of reforms. Both in Peace and in the war. Reforms based on Conventional basis and model itself in conformity with technology as well as information regime. As happens in all the countries having major armies , technology is the basis of the development. Therefore, all the development within the Chinese army and Chinese military machine has to be modelled , to have it in the integrated development of the Technology and information systems. The military machine has to be confirming itself to the changing requirement of the modernization both on ground. Air and in the seas. The aim of President XI Jinping is to develop Chinese modern. military machine. It has to be one of the finest in the world to face challenges multi polar and multi directional in conventional conflicts , space , cyberwarfare , in seas and air. A machine which will be capable to handle strategic issues. In is to be well planned Independently , course. under the guidelines of the CPC.

The modern military machine of China consists of. reformed. ground forces, which are built in ideology of the Socialist values. The emphasis has also shifted from ground forces to the air and sea. Equally strong PLAF, the peoples Air Force has to have capability to handle the strategic Issues Independently both in the lower end upper spectrum of the space. Similarly, the significance of Navy has also been acknowledged and a shift has been made. From inward looking Navy looking after the defence of the course in to open seas. A blue water Navy ensuring the challenges which are emerging both in the Indian Ocean as well as in the South China Sea. The China view the rearming of Japan with concern and so is the reorganizing of the Korean especially under the umbrella of and also integrating QUAD .

A threat has to be met to ensure the peaceful development of the China. Therefore, there is no doubt. That much attention has been given to the technology and information systems. President XI has lately emphasized on the quality over the quantity. It has a global significance and a message to the other powers that the China is ready to take its share of responsibility to ensure peace and harmony in the world. To stop aggression if it occurs from any quarters. This is the fundamental basis of the defence policy of the China, which has now been shifted from defence to offensive defence.

Falling on the fundamental pillars of the Défense Policy and development of the Chinese forces , the development has to be comprehensive. It must be sustainable. There has to be a cooperation between all the three. Services. Both as tactical and strategic Level under the guidelines with the political leadership which Chinese military machine has to uphold. The implementation of the justice. and ensuring the preservation of the shared values. The Chinese military machine must continue to endeavours for the finest of qualities both in men and material based on CPC guidelines. It must reform itself to ensure that it face new challenges against the modern armies of the world , ensuring its global presence. It has to forestall any threat from internal or external quarters. Further The Chinese army should be. capable of taking the international responsibilities .


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