Conversations from Dusk to Dawn


The disappearing twilight,
Darkens the horizon
I scan the skies
In quest of
The North Star,
A jewel of the night.

The Polaris, at same spot,
I find you growing in twinkle,
As the negritude of night falls,
You are a beacon
To my forlorn, lost soul
Rudderless and lifeless listing.

Your steadfast position,
Navigates all the lonely
Wobbling lives
On the swelling ocean
Of life, with all thy
Brightness, luminosity.

In the quietness
Of the raging waves,
All around us,
You envelope me
Within the quilt of
Memories and deep conversations.

The sweet chuckle of her voice,
Whispers deeply into the ears,
Provokingly the moonlit face
Beckons , almost a plea
To hold in embrace,
To seek lifelong fealty.

The Moon filled with envy,
Watches us in jealousy
Of the spirit of love, Commitment and bonding,
It hides behind clouds, momentarily,
And then peeps from behind, to steal
Some of the blazing flames of love.

As we remain locked
Away in conversation
Of this, that, the other,
The fleeting time
Signals the end is nigh,
Of today’s rendezvous.

The North Star begins to fade,
Unwillingly it deposits us both,
To the custody of the Morning Star,
Venus, stands now the brightest,
While the rest of stars begin to fade
In absolute respect to The Majestic Sun.

I implore upon the night to stay,
I exclaim to the Sun to hold back,
It’s rising splendour,
Filled with fear of losing
The chance of one more
Lifelong hug, my soul numbs.

The glowing brightness,
Grows as dawn appears closer,
Venus, at its zenith,
Succumbs to the glory
Of the eastern sky’s illumination,
And fades away, for a night again….

The richness of my thoughts
Were poor only to her
worldly wealth, opulence prosperity.
Abundance of fealty
Made her arrogant,
We bid farewell.

By: Sirajuddin Aziz.
30th November, 2024.