KARACHI: Feroz Alam, Vice President Employers Federation of Pakistan, stated that “among its myriad activities, EFP is focused on developing industry-academia linkages through innovative initiatives. One shining example is the Diploma of Employment Laws and Industrial Relations in collaboration with IBA, the prestigious business school in Pakistan.” He was addressing the graduates at the Diploma Award Ceremony of the 6th Batch of ELIR at IBA Karachi, says a Press release.
Feroz Alam added that the design and content of the course was worked out after a deep study of what industry, as well as the job, required. Hence, the program included practical knowledge, skill set, situational analysis, case studies, best industrial practices and other relevant aspects.
Earlier, Majyd Aziz, President UN Global Compact Network Pakistan and Former President EFP, in his welcome address said that this initiative was launched during his tenure as EFP President and was the brainchild of Former EFP Secretary General late Fasihul Karim Siddiqui. He added that he considered this program as a hallmark of his tenure. He said that he was pleased that the first Advanced Diploma Program would commence from August.
Majyd Aziz informed that since IBA has also set up the Alternate Dispute Resolution Forum in its Center for Executive Education, a course on Mediation and Arbitration must be included in the Diploma curriculum. This would enable students to prepare themselves for meaningful negotiations with the workers and unions. He also appreciated the contributions of the faculty and experts who were imparting pragmatic knowledge and training.
Kamran Bilgrami, Director IBA CEE, in his remarks stated that all efforts are being made to ensure that the Diploma Program continues to be a much demanded initiative and hoped that it would be further promoted and the graduates would apply the knowledge with sincerity and Integrity.
Dr. Perwez Shafi, a leading trainer and practitioner of Labor Law and Industrial Relations presented the vote of thanks.
EFP bridging gap between industry and academia