How escalating M-E tensions could ignite World War III


October on the brink: How escalating M-E
tensions could ignite World War III

October could very well be a decisive month, not just for the Middle East and Pakistan, but for the entire world. The events of the next few weeks may set the stage for a major global conflict, one that could escalate into the dreaded World War III. The Middle East, in particular, is teetering on the edge, and what happens there will have reverberations far beyond the region.
Let’s start with the Middle East, where Israel has unleashed its aggressive “scorched-earth” policy, moving from Gaza to Lebanon with impunity. With over 1,500 civilians already dead in Lebanon due to relentless airstrikes, Israel’s disregard for human life is becoming all too apparent. And who is backing this campaign? The militarily powerful Western nations, led by the United States, either directly support Israel or silently nod in approval.
The irony here is tragic: these same nations champion human rights and democracy, yet they enable or turn a blind eye to actions that many would classify as war crimes. The selective outrage of Western powers has only emboldened Israel to reshape the power structure in the region, targeting anyone who dares to stand in their way.
However, the region is not without its defenders. The Iran-led “axis of resistance” – which includes Hezbollah, Syria, and the Yemeni Houthis – remains the only real force standing up to Israeli expansionism. Hezbollah, despite suffering decapitation strikes on its leadership, is still ready for battle. As one brave woman in Beirut said on TV, “They are the masters of the air; we are the masters of the land. Let them come; we are waiting.”
The ground invasion of Lebanon by Israel seems imminent, but the question remains: Can Hezbollah live up to its reputation as a formidable resistance force? Or has Israel’s strategic targeting already weakened it beyond repair? Should Israel’s arrogance lead them to underestimate Hezbollah, they might find themselves bogged down in a costly and protracted conflict.
Iran, too, has now entered the fray, launching missile strikes against Israel in retaliation for the assassinations of key figures like Ismail Haniyeh and Hassan Nasrallah. Iran’s missile capability should not be taken lightly, and Tehran has made it clear that any further attacks on them will be met with devastating retaliation. The real question now is: Will Israel continue to provoke Iran, knowing full well that a regional war could ignite the entire Middle East?
And herein lies the potential spark for World War III. Iran’s neighbors, especially those reliant on their oil infrastructure, are understandably worried. If Israel’s aggression spills over into a broader regional war, it could disrupt global oil supplies, plunging the world economy into chaos. The United States, Europe, and China would be forced to respond, and what begins as a regional conflict could quickly escalate into something far more catastrophic. The looming possibility of a broader conflict is undeniable.
Israel’s unchecked actions, backed by Western powers, are pushing the region closer to the brink. And if this continues, history may remember this period as the lead-up to the third world war. For the first time, even Israel’s allies may be genuinely pushing for de-escalation, not out of concern for the lives being lost, but because a disruption to Gulf oil infrastructure could collapse the global economy.
But is anyone truly innocent here? Iran’s actions, too, have contributed to this escalation. Its missile strikes, while justified in the context of self-defence, have further inflamed an already volatile situation. The so-called “axis of resistance” has been preparing for this confrontation for years, but its readiness to strike back could also be the catalyst for a broader war.
Turning to Pakistan, the political climate is equally fraught with danger. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn an earlier ruling on floor-crossing members has provided the government with the necessary legal cover to push through a controversial constitutional amendment. This amendment would establish a Federal Constitutional Court, fully appointed by the executive, to curb the influence of the judiciary – particularly judges who are seen as sympathetic to Imran Khan, Pakistan’s former Prime Minister.
Imran Khan’s supporters have already taken to the streets, and tensions are running high. If the government succeeds in passing this amendment, it could further destabilize the country. The establishment’s goal is clear: to block Imran Khan’s return to power at any cost. But if his supporters manage to gather in significant numbers, the situation could spiral out of control.
If Pakistan’s internal unrest combines with a regional war in the Middle East, the geopolitical consequences would be staggering. A destabilized Pakistan, with its nuclear arsenal, could add a dangerous new dimension to an already volatile situation. The spectre of a global conflict grows ever larger as the flames of regional disputes spread.
What happens next will depend on the actions of key players. If Israel continues its aggressive policies, backed by Western complicity, and if Iran retaliates with full force, the conflict will escalate beyond regional borders. The United States and NATO may be forced to intervene, dragging the world into a full-scale war. On the other hand, if Pakistan’s political crisis worsens, the unrest could spill into the broader regional conflict, creating a nightmare scenario of war on multiple fronts.
As Muslims, it is important to reflect on the causes of these conflicts. The Prophet Muhammad (SAAW) warned against oppression and the consequences of unchecked power. The Qur’an reminds us in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:190), “Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.”
The actions of both Israel and Iran could be seen as transgressions, pushing the world closer to chaos. Western powers, too, bear responsibility for their role in enabling Israel’s aggression. If we are not careful, the events of this month may well be remembered as the opening chapter of World War III.
The world stands on the edge, and unless cooler heads prevail, we could be witnessing the start of a conflict that would engulf not just the Middle East but the entire world. May Allah guide us to peace and prevent the horrors of war from spreading further. The coming days will be critical, and the decisions made by those in power will determine whether we step back from the brink or plunge headlong into disaster.