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Inside Economic Daily : A Legacy Of Economic Journalism In China

Manzar Naqvi

During our visit as part of an eight-member media delegation from Karachi, Pakistan, led by the Secretary General of the Karachi Editors Club (KEC), we had the honor of touring The Economic Daily and the offices of China Economic Net (CEN). We were warmly welcomed by Cui Jun, President of CEN, who provided an insightful briefing on the organization and guided us through its various offices, departments, and exhibition area, where the rich history of The Economic Daily and CEN, spanning over four decades, was showcased.

In recognition of his hospitality and as a mark of respect, the Secretary General of KEC, along with the delegation, presented Cui Jun with a traditional Jinnah Cap and a Sindhi Ajrak, as well as a copy of The Financial Daily’s special supplement, published to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), featuring 100 quotes from President Xi Jinping. In return, Cui Jun graciously presented each delegation member with gifts from CEN and later sent mooncakes to celebrate the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival, a significant cultural event in China.

I shared a brief account of this memorable visit in my daily diary from China, and I now look forward to sharing detailed articles on The Economic Daily and CEN, based on Cui Jun’s briefing and our subsequent research following the visit.

The Economic Daily: A Pillar of Economic Journalism
The Economic Daily is one of China’s most influential newspapers, specializing in economic and financial journalism. Since its founding in 1983, the publication has played a pivotal role in chronicling China’s economic reforms, shaping public opinion, and influencing policy decisions at the highest levels. This deep dive into The Economic Daily’s history reveals the legacy of the newspaper and its impact on China’s evolving economic landscape.

Origins and Founding of The Economic Daily
Founded on January 1, 1983, during a transformative period for China’s economy, The Economic Daily emerged as the country shifted from a centrally planned economy to a more market-oriented one under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. At that time, China was undertaking bold reforms to modernize its economy through policies like the “Reform and Opening Up” initiative. The newspaper was established to cover these significant developments and serve as a guide for both policymakers and the public.

From its inception, The Economic Daily was not just a news outlet but also a critical platform for communicating government policy, explaining the rationale behind economic reforms, and fostering public understanding of China’s evolving economic landscape.

Evolution and Key Milestones 1980s: Early Reform Coverage
In its early years, The Economic Daily played a central role in explaining key economic reforms, such as decentralizing state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and promoting private enterprise. It provided detailed analyses of agricultural reforms, particularly the Household Responsibility System, which allowed farmers to keep surplus produce after meeting state quotas. These articles helped shape public and governmental perceptions of how to adapt to the new economic realities.

The newspaper’s alignment with government objectives made it a trusted source of information for both the public and policymakers. Articles from this period often echoed Deng Xiaoping’s economic vision, presenting an optimistic outlook on China’s shift toward market-driven development.

1990s: Embracing Globalization
The 1990s marked China’s increasing integration into the global economy. A key milestone for The Economic Daily during this period was its coverage of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. The newspaper published in-depth features on the significance of joining the WTO and the potential challenges and opportunities it would bring to the Chinese economy.

In the mid-1990s, as China accelerated its transition to a socialist market economy, The Economic Daily began expanding its coverage to include international economic trends, financial markets, and the impact of globalization on China’s growth. This shift reflected China’s ambition to become a global economic power and the need for its citizens to stay informed about global markets and trends.

2000s: Shaping Domestic Economic Policy
During the 2000s, The Economic Daily became a significant voice in discussions on macroeconomic policies like fiscal stimulus and monetary reforms. The newspaper was instrumental in covering the government’s response to the 2008 global financial crisis, particularly the four trillion yuan stimulus package aimed at infrastructure development and boosting domestic consumption.

This decade also saw the rise of new industries in China, especially in the tech sector. The Economic Daily provided comprehensive coverage of the economic implications of these developments, guiding discourse around innovation, entrepreneurship, and the digital economy.

2010s: Navigating China’s Economic Transformation
As China’s economy matured in the 2010s, transitioning from rapid growth to structural adjustment, The Economic Daily shifted its focus to issues like economic rebalancing, environmental sustainability, and inequality. It extensively reported on China’s shift from an investment-led growth model to one driven by consumption and innovation.
Additionally, The Economic Daily was pivotal in covering China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), offering insights into the geopolitical and economic ramifications of the project.

2020s and Beyond: Navigating a New Era
As China faces new economic challenges, including an aging population, slowing growth, and increased global competition, The Economic Daily continues to be an essential voice in economic discourse. Its coverage of the “dual circulation” strategy, which emphasizes reducing reliance on external markets while fostering domestic demand, is a testament to its continued relevance.

In recent years, the newspaper has expanded its digital presence, adapting to changing media consumption habits, and continues to provide real-time analysis and news updates.

Influential Articles and Thought Leadership
Over the decades, The Economic Daily has published numerous influential articles that have shaped policy discourse in China. For example, its early reports on Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in the 1980s played a key role in garnering support for these zones, which became engines of economic growth. During the 2008 global financial crisis, the newspaper’s analysis of the stimulus package provided a platform for discussions on fiscal sustainability and economic restructuring.

Regular interviews and op-eds from leading economists, policymakers, and industry leaders further solidify The Economic Daily’s status as a thought leader in China’s economic sphere.

A Legacy of Economic Journalism

For over four decades, The Economic Daily has been a key player in Chinese media, helping to chronicle and shape the country’s extraordinary economic transformation. From covering the early reforms of the 1980s to explaining China’s role in the global economy today, the newspaper has remained relevant through in-depth analysis, insightful commentary, and as a trusted platform for economic debate.

Its legacy as an authoritative source of economic journalism continues to grow, ensuring that The Economic Daily will remain a cornerstone of China’s economic discourse in the decades to come, guiding both policymakers and the public through the complexities of the nation’s evolving economy.


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