Ukraine attack on Sevastopol – a heinous crime


On 23 June Ukraine used five US-supplied Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMs) missiles targeting the city of Sevastopol in Crimea. Sevastopol is the Black Sea port city and Headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Russian Air Defense System was able to intercept and destroy four missiles but the fifth missile deviated from its flight path and detonated and broke up into deadly debris over the beach of Uchkuevka.
Civilians including women and children who were spending the weekend and Christian holiday on the beach became victims of this heinous attack carried out by Ukraine. At least five people tied and over 125 were injured. Four things are critical in this latest Ukrainian attack; one, the attack was carried out using a long range western supplied weapon system – ATACMs has arrange of 186miles (300KMs), two, the attack was carried out deep inside the Russian territory, three, the attack was launched on a Christian holiday and fourth, the victims of attack are innocent civilians.
As a consequence of such an attack a military mind can easily make one clear military assumption – ‘attack in Sevastopol with US supplied missiles Kiev has chosen to escalate this war to a dangerous level.’ What can be Russian response? But before that did the moral world get an opportunity to witness this crime against innocent civilians and condemn it?
The moral world that US and its western allies lead supports Israeli invasion of Gaza which has displaced 80% of the Gaza population, killed over 37000 people after dropping 70,000 tons of bombs on Gaza. This moral world led by US has not been able to arrange a ceasefire despite this human carnage which has now limited Gaza’s access to water, food and electricity thus leaving an entire population on the brink of a famine. If US and its allies are shy of condemning this disproportionate response by the Israeli defense forces and Israel’s immoral conduct, why would they condemn what Ukraine has done in Sevastopol over this weekend? War in Ukraine is being fought under the deep shadow of information warfare in which US and its western allies that control most of the global media try to gain competitive advantage through misinformation and propaganda over their adversaries. Considering this it is important to highlight the heinous crimes being committed by US and its allies where ever they take place.
Russian Defense Ministry has condemned US for enabling Ukraine to execute this attack and it has also pointed out the double standards and ‘relative silence’ of western media on the violation of international law on the killings of Russian tourists who were innocent civilians. US cannot evade and duck down from the blame of this attack because it is the supplier, the planner, the executor of reconnaissance and the target selector. Kiev on its own would not and cannot undertake such a military action that can lead to the war’s escalation. Has Ukraine decided to resort to committing act of terrorism? There is already a precedence.
President Putin and Russia’s declared position on war in Ukraine is that the war didn’t start on 22 Feb 2022. Ukraine was already conducting anti-terrorist operations against its own people in the Eastern region of Ukraine and were shelling their own people for the last 8 years and Russia started the special military operation on 22 Feb 2022 not to start the war but end it. The western propaganda conveniently blacks out the terrorist acts of the puppet Ukrainian regime against its own people and promotes the narrative of a Russian invasion on baseless grounds. The ground was never baseless as 60% of the Russians living in the eastern Ukraine were being subjected to ‘Gaza like’ Israeli treatment and President Putin and Russia decided that they will not allow this.
So far US has spent tens of billions of dollars to help Ukraine recapture its lost territory. Recapturing the lost territory is a Ukrainian military aim but it neither has the resources nor the manpower to achieve this aim. So, what does US and its NATO allies want who are patronizing Ukraine for a military aim that is unachievable. US and its NATO allies should be cautious from lighting the fuse that can detonate a global war. It has already detonated a war in Gaza by encouraging and emboldening Israel to do what it ended up doing. With this current ATACMs attack US has directly become part of the conflict. Russia’s likely response can be read in President Putin’s statement who recently said that Russia might supply weapons to North Korea in what he suggested would be a like-for-like response to the Western arming of Ukraine. Military history is filled with the examples of how an aggression at one place served as an invitation to respond aggressively at another place.
US and its NATO allies need to tread the war path carefully. Russia cannot be defeated by Ukraine and there is no point increasing the medicine dose when the medicine is not working. The idea of supplying Patriot batteries or F-16’s is not measures that will end this war. US and its NATO allies have already gladly welcomed Sweden as the 32nd member of NATO in march. US and NATO are happy surrounding and encircling Russia. IN Sweden NATO welcomes a fighting force in the Baltic Sea. Sweden boosts a first-class air force and 5 modern submarines that are suited to Baltic Sea’s shallow waters. It also commands the strategic island of Gotland in the middle of the Baltic Sea about 100 kms Swedish mainland and 300 kms from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad which is home to Russian Baltic Sea Fleet. US and NATO encroachment and encirclement of Russia is escalating the great power rivalry and it is not a good omen for global peace and security.
US has not respected China as a great power and instead of competing it is trying to contain it. US has not respected Russia and even insults it by creating existential threats for it and not respecting its sphere of influence and carrying out eastward’s expansion of NATO. It is up to US to decide whether it wants the conflict in Ukraine to grow in severity or not. Russia may no longer tolerate the deep targeting of Russian territory with the American supplied missiles in future. It will retain the right to respond and that may lunge the world into another global war. Time for US and its allies to seriously reflect on how to avoid deliberate escalation of war in Ukraine and instead find means to end it.


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