Khalid Lateef &
Co-Authors : Khalid Lateef is a Regional President of Iqbal Research Institute Lahore, (Indian Administered Jammu and Kashmir Branch) located at Trehgam, District Kupwara. He is an Independent researcher of Iqbaliyaat, Hebrew Bible, and Comparative Study of Religions and Iqbal Study in reference with Reunification of Science, History, Archaeology, and Humanities. He can be reached at:

China and Pakistan has been two brotherly nieghbours since 74 years. The evolution of China into an better economic society has wholly or partially an effect on global world. So eventually the world is running towards development.
Pakistan and China has started this Corridor several years ago to ensure the development of the South-Asian states. Firstly, we shall look at the facts that what was the real ambition of CPEC. In its full form, it means China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
While investigating the historical perspectives of the Pakistan-China Relation’s, we find its inception since 1950’s.Pakistan’s close relationship with China dates back to 1951 when diplomatic relations were formally established between the two countries. Economic growth in the country however, has historically been stifled due to decades of conflict, macro-management issues, and an energy starved economy. ”To capitalize on its shortcomings and tackle its crippled energy sector, significant foreign direct investment is required to open up numerous opportunities for the state and investors. In light of the closeness of Sino-Pak ties, China is considered to be the most reliable partner, especially since relationships with other regional and global powers have proven difficult.”
CPEC is a well planned corridor. It constitutes an array of different energy projects, transportation/infrastructure networks, and economic free zones within Islamic Republic of Pakistan. This investment is a part of China’s the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which includes the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The investment included a total sum of $46 billion directed at upgrading Pakistan’s existing transportation infrastructure, as well as boosting Pakistan’s energy generation capacity. “The proposed special economic zones (SEZs) would follow if the energy and infrastructure projects prove successful. CPEC links the strategically significant city of Kashgar in China’s Xinjiang to the port of Gwadar in Pakistan’s Balochistan province. The proposed route allows the passage of goods and services between China and Pakistan.”

The Components of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) are:
1. Pakistan’s Energy Sector
2. Transportation Infrastructure
3. Special Economic Zones
Strategic Rationales of Chinese Think Tanks on China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
1. International Relations Theories
For China, CPEC is an integral component of its 21st-century in Central Asia and world globally. BRI initiative promoting economic expansion and regional connectivity while reinforcing its status as a global player in international affairs. CPEC’s motivations can be explained through the prism of realist and liberal internationalist theories of geopolitics, as there are elements of both competition and cooperation driving state behavior.”
2. The Liberalist Motives of the People’s Republic of China
The liberalist argument holds that CPEC is based upon China’s relationship with Pakistan and its
foreign policy principles of non-interference and non-aggression in line with Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. One of the five principles is “equality and cooperation for mutual benefit.” In line with this principle, mutual benefits and the degree of utility for Pakistan’s economy are likely key considerations while carrying out investments. In addition to establishing its status as a great power globally, investing in countries such as Pakistan could also reinforce China’s image as a country that cooperates with states by investing in human capital, businesses, and infrastructure without violating a state’s sovereignty.”
The Pakistani Views on China Pakistan Economic Corridor are:
1. The closeness of Sino-Pak Ties.
2. Economic Growth in the country.
3. Energy Generation and Cooperation.
4. Transportation Infrastructure.
5. Upgrading Pakistan’s existing transportation infrastructure through investments is a salient feature of CPEC.
6. Transportation of goods and services to different provinces and financial centers both opens up Pakistan to the Chinese market and allows China to export its products to Pakistan’s domestic consumers.
7. Regional Connectivity and ‘Crowding In’ Benefits.
8. Security: Pakistan continues to grapple with internal security challenges, with terrorist groups such as Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) targeting civilian and military institutions.To ensure security along CPEC, the Pakistan Army has developed the Special Security Division (SSD). The SSD comprises nine army infantry battalions and six civil armed forces wings for a total of 12,000 troops.
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