Seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as China’ is famous in all Muslim countries. The communication and friendship between China and the Islamic world, which have lasted for thousands of years, are our precious spiritual wealth. More than 2,000 years ago, Chine role model for the worlds, lets come together development for peoples, uplifts common people’s life. 2023 world is Global village, like one family, its True Picture is China, their aims let come together develop the future, the tremendous development of China and lifting of over 700 million people out of poverty within a three decades.
The great trading routes connecting medieval Eurasia by land and sea brought Islamic countries.
One Belt, One Road (BRI)/the Silk Road Economic Belt (land routes through Central Asia & the Middle East). The Maritime Silk Road (Pacific and Indian Oceans with the Mediterranean).
China is World’s Muslims friendly country. It has relationships with Muslim countries, Central Asia, South Asia, Middle East, Gulf, Africa, Southeast Asia and Oceania & other part of worlds.
China is investing $400 billion plus in 54 Muslim countries, 600 projects across the Muslim World under the Belt and Road Initiative. China & Muslim World based on respect & mutual cooperation.
China stands firmly on the side of the Palestinian people and support on the basis of the two-state solution. Long-standing dispute of Jammu and Kashmir. Crisis in Afghanistan, Beijing support Afghanistan peace & reconstruction, China is working with Muslim World/Islamic countries to promote a multi-polar world, and make unremitting efforts to build a community with a shared future for mankind on Earth.
After a long time, the Middle East has a ‘peace’ agreement Saudi Arabia and Iran. Through the successful mediation of China, Iran and Saudi Arabia readied to restore full diplomatic relations which is a significant achievement of China. Thanks China that helps stop war in Yemen as USA & no other western country was interest in Middle East Peace or support peace like in Iraq & Syria, etc.
President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative, regional connectivity enhanced cooperation and prosperity. The vital importance of greater connectivity among BRI participating countries and proposed four specific areas for particular focus including digital connectivity, mobility of labor, cultural connectivity and sharing best practices in knowledge and innovation.
Pakistan-China bilateral relations are extremely strong & very deep and based on trust.
Pakistan economic crisis Always China gives us a huge opportunity through CPEC to use it and bring investment into Pakistan. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) flagship project of BRI, the CPEC has brought Pakistan direct investment in Pakistan.
In 2022 floods hit 70% of Pakistan, China has rushed to Pakistan’s aid as it was a genuine friend & brother in times of need true Picture of love and care.
The China government has provided plus 400 million RMB & China’s civil society helped in own also plus Chinese companies working in Pakistan support workers & locals who effects in floods due to the CPEC for enabling Pakistan to meet its energy and food security.
BRI proved to be economic lifeline for Pakistan. Last year 2022, 27 CPEC projects costing $19 billion were completed. in the energy sector, 14 projects completed, 1320MW Sahiwal Coal-fired Power Plant, 1320MW Coal-fired Power Plant at Port Qasim Karachi, 1320MW China Hub Coal Power Project, Hub Balochistan, 660MW Engro Thar Coal Power Project, 1000MW Quaid-i-Azam Solar Park (Bahawalpur), 50 MW Hydro China Dawood Wind Farm, Gharo, Thatta 100MW UEP Wind Farm, Jhimpir, Thatta, 50MW Sachal Wind Farm, Jhimpir, Thatta, 100MW Three Gorges Second and Third Wind Power Project, Matiari to Lahore ±660 KV HVDC Transmission Line Project,720MW Karot Hydropower Project, AJK/Punjab,330MW HUBCO Thar Coal Power Project (Thar Energy),1320MW SSRL Thar Coal Block-I 7.8 mtpa & Power Plant (2×660MW) (Shanghai Electric) and 330MW HUBCO Thal Nova Thar Coal Power Project.
Under Construction Projects 884MW Suki Kinari Hydropower Project, KP & 300MW Coal-Fired Power Project at Gwadar. Under Consideration Projects are 1124MW Kohala Hydropower Project, AJK, 700.7MW Azad Pattan Hydropower Project, AJK/Punjab, 1320 MW Thar Mine Mouth Oracle Power Plant & surface mine, 50MW Cacho Wind Power Project, and 50MW Western Energy (Pvt.) Ltd. Wind Power Project.
In Gwadar Balochistan, three projects of $200 million have so far been completed. Two projects of $230 million will be completed by 2025. Two more projects $150 million to be completed by 2030. CPEC game change for Balochistan as well as for regions. Completed Projects in Gwadar Development of Port and Free Zone, Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan, Pak-China Technical and Vocational Institute at Gwadar, and Gwadar Eastbay Expressway. Under Construction Projects New Gwadar International Airport, Necessary facilities of fresh water treatment, water supply and distribution, Pak-China Friendship Hospital, 300MW Coal-Fired Power Project at Gwadar, 1.2 MGD Desalination Plant, 5 MGD Water Desalination Plant Gwadar and in In-Pipeline Projects Construction of Breakwaters, Dredging of berthing areas & channels, Fish Landing Jetty and Fishermen Boat Making Industry on West bay and Gwadar Smart Environment Sanitation System and Landfill Project.
Transport Infrastructure Projects Under CPEC Completed Projects KKH Phase II (Havelian-Thakot Section), Peshawar-Karachi Motorway (Multan-Sukkur Section), Orange Line Metro Train – Lahore, Cross Border Optical Fiber Cable (Khunjrab-Rawalpindi), Pilot Project of Digital Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcast (DTMB), and Hakla-D.I Khan Motorway. Under Construction Projects Zhob-Quetta (Kuchlak) (N-50), Khuzdar-Basima Road (N-30), Hoshab-Awaran Road Section (M-8), KKH Alternate Route Shandur-Chitral Road, and Nokundi-Mashkhel Road.
Social And Economic Development Under CPEC Completed Projects Vaccine storage and transportation equipment, Poverty Alleviation Training, Emergency relief supplies for enhancing NDMA, disaster preparedness capacity, Pakistan Vocational and Technical Education Capacity build-up project and Pakistan Vocational Schools Equipment Upgrading and Renovation Project.
Under Construction Projects China-Pakistan Joint Agricultural Technology Laboratory and Provision of Agricultural equipment and tools, Smart Classroom for Higher education, Maintenance and renovation for 50 schools in newly merged districts, Solar-powered lighting equipment, Overseas student scholarship, medical equipment and materials, Gwadar hospital project, Brightness journey in Pakistan, Drinking water equipment, Gwadar Desalination Plant and Gwadar Vocational and Technical Project.
Different Industrial Cooperation/Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Under Construction Projects with full swing and many CPEC & Related Projects Under Public Sector Development Program.
China relationship with Muslim World and the CPEC