Diary From China: Adieu, China- Until Next Time

Manzar Naqvi

An Enriching 10-Day Visit to China: Strengthening Sino-Pakistan Ties

An 8-member media delegation from Karachi returned to Pakistan on Thursday night, following a deeply enriching 10-day visit to China. Their journey back on China Air flight CA 945 was made even more enjoyable by the exceptional in-flight facilities and top-notch services provided by the attentive crew. The delegation expressed immense appreciation for the hospitality and professionalism displayed throughout their journey, which made their travel experience comfortable and memorable. This trip not only highlighted the delegation’s successful visit to China but also underscored the seamless and welcoming travel environment provided by China Air.

China Economic Net (CEN)

The 10-day visit, spanning from September 3, 2024, to September 12, 2024, was meticulously arranged by China Economic Net (CEN), a leading financial and economic media outlet based in Beijing. CEN is renowned for its in-depth analysis and coverage of China’s economic activities, including trade, finance, investment, and market trends. It is a key player in reporting on topics related to the Belt and Road Initiative, China’s industrial development, and economic policies. Through their international lens, CEN also provides valuable insights into global economic trends, making it a crucial media platform for fostering understanding between nations.

A Heartfelt Appreciation for CEN’s Hospitality

BEIJING: Secretary General Karachi Editors Club Manzar Naqvi along with President Karachi Press Club, Raja Anis, Zeshan Ahmed and Shazia Hasan presenting Sindhi Ajrak to Ayin Yanan, Director CEN.

The delegation’s trip was a testament to the enduring friendship between China and Pakistan, often referred to as “stronger than steel.” Throughout the visit, the warmth and professionalism of the CEN team were apparent, and the delegation extended sincere appreciation for their efforts. Special thanks were given to Cui Jun, President of CEN, and Yin Yanan, Director of the International Cooperation Center, for their leadership and vision in making this visit a success.

BEIJING: Secretary General Karachi Editors Club Manzar Naqvi along with President Karachi Press Club and Raja Anis Anchor Metro TV presenting Jinnah cap to Xiong Weishang.

The International Cooperation Center team was especially commended for their hard work and dedication. Key individuals such as Wang Kai (English Editor), Xiong Weisheng (English Editor), Liao Yifan (English Editor), Wang Kai (Cameraman), and Zhang Peng (Photographer) played pivotal roles in organizing the delegation’s visits and briefings across Beijing and Shanghai. Their attention to details and commitment in ensuring a smooth experience for the delegation was truly remarkable. A special mention was also given to Meng Fanrong, English Editor, International Cooperation CEN from Shanghai, who coordinated every aspect of the Shanghai leg of the visit with exceptional precision and care.

Exploring Beijing and Shanghai: A Journey of Discovery

BEIJING: A group photo of visiting media delegation from Pakistan with CEN team at the Beijing airport.

The delegation’s itinerary was filled with visits to significant cultural, historical, and economic landmarks in both Beijing and Shanghai. In Beijing, they had the opportunity to explore a diverse range of institutions and sites, each offering a unique perspective on China’s rapidly evolving landscape. These included visits to Wangdong Medical Technology Company, Economic Daily, China Economic Net, and China North Industries Group Corporation Limited (NORINCO). Additionally, the delegation visited the iconic Badaling section of the Great Wall, China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC), and the Embassy of Pakistan at Pakistan House.
Cultural exploration was also a highlight of the Beijing leg of the trip. The delegation visited The Palace Museum (Forbidden City), one of China’s most significant historical sites, as well as Tiananmen Square, a symbol of China’s modern political history. A visit to Pony.Ai, a leading driverless car manufacturing company, showcased China’s advancements in cutting-edge technology and innovation.
In Shanghai, the delegation’s itinerary included visits to Launch Design, Shanghai Electric, the Bund, and the Huangpu River, providing insights into the city’s rich architectural and industrial heritage. They also visited the Site of the First National Congress of the CPC, a historically significant location, and Humin Village in Fengxian District, where they gained a deeper understanding of rural life in China. Shanghai Challenge Textile, another key stop, offered a glimpse into China’s booming textile industry and its global impact.

A Grateful Farewell: Cherishing the Bonds Formed

SHANGHAI: Meng Fanrong, English Editor, International Cooperation Center, CEN Shanghai.

On the morning of their departure, the delegation checked out of their hotel, preparing for their journey back home. Ms. Yin Yanan, along with Wang Kai, Xiong, and Zhang from CEN, were present to see them off. The Secretary General of Karachi Editors Club (KEC) and the President of Karachi Press Club (KPC), along with the entire delegation, expressed heartfelt gratitude for the extraordinary hospitality extended by the CEN team.
In a symbolic gesture of appreciation, traditional Sindhi Ajraks were presented to Yin and Zhang, while Xiong received a Jinnah cap. These tokens of friendship underscored the deep respect and camaraderie that had developed over the course of the trip. Additionally, special gifts were presented to the most active host from CEN, who had been with the delegation throughout the entire trip, both in Beijing and Shanghai. From the moment they were received at Beijing airport to the moment they were seen off, the warmth and professionalism of the CEN team were unwavering.

Final Farewell at Beijing Airport: A Bittersweet Departure

After the exchange of heartfelt gifts and words of appreciation, the CEN team escorted the delegation to Beijing airport, assisting them throughout the check-in process. Their meticulous attention to detail continued as they ensured that the delegation’s journey remained smooth and stress-free. Once the boarding passes were secured, the CEN team hosted a lavish farewell lunch at a Halal restaurant on the departure side of Beijing airport, a final gesture of hospitality that was deeply appreciated.
As the time came to part ways, emotions ran high. The CEN team, with teary eyes, bid farewell to the delegation, one by one. Photographs were taken to commemorate the moment, serving as lasting reminders of the bonds that had been formed during this memorable trip. It truly felt as though the delegation was leaving behind family members rather than just hosts.

A Lasting Impression of Sino-Pakistani Friendship

This 10-day journey to China, facilitated by CEN, was more than just a media exchange – it was an opportunity to strengthen the already strong ties between Pakistan and China. The delegation left with a deeper understanding of China’s cultural heritage, economic advancements, and the strength of the friendship between the two nations. The CEN team’s hospitality, warmth, and professionalism will forever be cherished by the delegation, marking this visit as one that will be remembered fondly for years to come.
The delegation returned to Pakistan with a renewed sense of camaraderie, not only between the media teams but also between the people of Pakistan and China – two nations bound together by history, friendship, and mutual respect.

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