Empowering the un-reached


Money solves every problem a famous dictum which exactly ensembles precisely to rural sites of any state like northern areas of Pakistan particularly G-B, where people face hurdles with every next step, they strive for the facilities and basic rights like other citizens in terms of infrastructure, education and health. Here the predicament is owing to the lack of political will and investment from the top wherein the entrepreneurial culture seems a rational and pragmaticchoice to foster growth and development.
Regions like G-B face many challenges like wrecked infrastructure, limited growth and infringed facilities; despite of being geostrategic point, plethora of natural resources like water bodies, minerals, and forests. Above all, its serene beauty and cultural diversity attract numerous tourists from fore flung areas even across the borders. The outsiders enjoy the local festivals, different games like free-style polo, skiing and ice-skating. Foreigners also prefer this place for hunting of animals like Markhor and fishing of famous ‘Trout’.
Keeping this scenario in mind the business activities seem to escalate various opportunities to empower the society through alleviating their challenges. Tactically the initiative involves the community engagement belonging to different ethnicity and cultures, their collaboration can halt down the social conflicts and sectarian violence to some extent. With the help of this, the locals can also resolve their issues in terms of sanitation, education and health care, etc.
After that, the entrepreneurial culture can boost up the earning of individuals through creating jobs and innovation where the employment ratio of the region progresses and ultimately the life standard of people also gets upgraded. Noteworthy, the regional development has its roots in these ventures where public-private partnership mutually work together to ensure transportation links, subsidized goods, electricity and co-opts other many facilities to which the region endeavors.
On the next level, this approach also spends huge amounts for the restoration and overhaul of lurking tourism sites like exquisite lakes, antique forts and natural parks which catalyze the influx of tourists. The industries promote the SMEs small and medium enterprises which engage local people to earn from handicraft products, beauty salons seasonal stalls of cultural foods. Various markets also facilitate the people to fully utilize their resources like selling the seasonal fruits, vegetables etc. on adequate price and earn handsome amount.
In addition, these businesspersons also sponsor and organize many welfare programs to the community for their social wellbeing through various NGOs which benefit the society in many ways in return the tycoons receive the sympathy and loyalty of publicthrough necessitating their value is another aspect.
A great example for the significance of entrepreneurship can be quoted from Mexico, where rural cooperatives in the coffee industry have allowed farmers to work together to market their coffee, improve production quality, and gain better access to international markets, enhancing community ties.
Concluding it, these countryside zones hold thousands of opportunities and strive for the investment where progression of vast business doings not only resolves the challenges of the region but it also benefit the entrepreneurs to an extreme level. Thus, the idea bypasses the dependence on government for economic breakthrough and social prosperity.


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