Middle East current scenario


Human history is replete with instances where wars were faught on the name of nationalities, terrorities and religions.
But there are some proxy wars which were faught and are being faught on the name of religions just to exploit the feelings of people who belonged to their religions and sect as well. The tussle which is being going in middle east can be presented as one of the examples which is going on among different stake holders (countries). In this so-called Muslim vs Jews battle, thousands of innocent men, women and children lost their lives, many disabled, lost their business and houses. Today, approximately, all Gaza’s infra-structure is destroyed.
That all commenced when last year in 2023, a huge attaked was launched by Hamas on Isreal. A huge applause was displayed and cries of joy were heard in so-called Islamic circles that a historic landmark had been marked. It was claimed that that huge attack was launched quite secretly for almost a year, but it seems ridiculous.It was impossible that without the information and indirect approval of Israel that all could have happened. Today, no Islamic country is siding with Palestanians of Gaza.
Indeed, Israel in order to implement its great designs, let that all happened, so that to get the justification to show that world that its very existence had been attacked and threatened. In fact, it was the initial plan of Israel to weaken Iran but by first eliminating Iran’s proxies such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and ultimately Iran itself. In order to implement its desings, first of all, Isreal assassinated Ismail Haniya (Head of Hamas in Tehran), which was slightly replied by Iran. In the second place, the Hezbollah’s chief, Hasan Nasrullah was killed by Israel. That was the clear indication what Israel had in its strategy.Those were the two strong pillars cum proxies of Iran in Middle East, which Israel eliminated shrewdly. At that time, Israel did not take any pause, but rather moved towards Syria led by the then President Bashar-al-Asad, who after consecutive fighting with its opposition had become vulnerable and fragile. Before the provocation of Israel cum Turkey, Asad was clearly informed both by Russia and Iran that (talk to his opposition and give some concessions which Asad refused) though both had been supporting Asad’s regime to push back many domestic struggle for war but now owing to Russia’s involment in Ukrain and Iran’s deteriorating position in Middle East, both Iran and Russia were not that much able to suppor Asad furthermore. But that advice was not taken seriously by Asad.
Later, the world saw how within weeks, Asad’s regime fell down and he had to flee to Russia.
Now, after the collapse of Iran’s three allies, the table has turned from one side to another. Most probably, Israel may attack Houthis in Yemen. According to some political analyst speculations, after eliminating and neutralising Houthis, ultimately, Israel may try its level best to change the existing regime in Iran.
This ongoing tussle between Iran/Russia vs Israel backed by USA and some of the western countries though tried to show as battle between Islam and Jews but on the contrary, the fact is, its battle of oil which Middle East is full of. No side can afford to loose its grip on this Region. According to some analysist, 2025 may be the top priority for Israel to change regime in Iran. 2025 will decide, whose hegemony will be established on this region, either Israel and its allies or Iran and Russia.
If and when Israel and its allies succeed in change of regime in Iran, they may move to elimination of Pakistan’s nuclear arms, which according to them, cannot afford and cannot take risk that these nuclear weapons should be possossed by any Islamic country like Pakistan. In fact, they are afraid that if these weapons are possessed by Islamic radicals, then, Israel, USA and West will be at stake.