Pakistan’s First Electric Car
KARACHI: Pakistan unveiled NUR-E 75, Pakistan’s first electric car as a gift for the nation on its 75th Independence anniversary Sunday at the local hotel of Karachi. The first locally electric car has been designed and developed by the collective efforts of local academia, Private sector enterprise and DICE Foundation.
A young engineer, Ahmed graduated from NED University, briefed about the car. Its battery pack was developed at the NED University of Engineering and Technology, and it is equipped with advanced sophisticated technology.
The chargers for these vehicles are being developed by the Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology, There is also ongoing development of faster chargers to reduce charging time.
All the components of the car have been developed in Pakistan, and the design has been created by the National College of Arts (NCA).
Member of the Board DICE Foundation Dr Rana Masood shared the background of Dice, a US-based non-profit organization, run by expatriate Pakistanis from US, EU, etc. along with support from local academia and industry. DICE Foundation has been working in Pakistan for the last 15 years promoting innovation, capability building, converting ‘Brain Drain’ into ‘Brain Gain’.
DICE Foundation promotes technological innovation in Pakistan, especially the NUR-E 75 as the first indigenous electric car of the nation.
Dr Khurshid Qureshi, Pakistan leading expert on the development of autonomous vehicles declared 14th August 2022 as the historical day for Pakistan and shared the audience through the journey that brought NUR-E 75 into existence, using slides to highlight the various steps undertaken on this long and arduous task.
He said, “I cannot stress enough on the significance of this innovation and how it will be a game-changer both for Pakistan’s economy as well as for the well-being of the common man of Pakistan, once it comes into the market in the last quarter of 2024. This E-car will play a phenomenal role in the context of environment and climate change, and will help us move away from non-renewable fuel consumption.
Dr Qureshi also thanked all the partners who helped make this milestone achievement possible: NEDUET, DSU, NCA, TEVTA Punjab, NUST, SSUET, Amreli Steels, PSG, Kruddson Aluminum.
Moreover, he said that we will be trend setters in the Pakistan automobile Industry as we performed the ‘virtual Crash Test ‘ for the first time in Pakistan. He urges the Engineering development Board, a government regulator, to support our automobile industry in terms of best practices.
The launch event was attended by the engineering community, auto sector who paid rich tribute to the teams and Dr Qureshi for introducing the first electric car on its third silver jubilee.