Poor condition of lower courts


I am a senior citizen veteran and octogenarian. I have participated as a child when Pakistan was being shaped. It was inspiring and dynamic leadership of Qaid-e- Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who in spite of his sickness created a history by carving Pakistan on the world map in just 7 years of hard work. This is first time in the history of world that any leader created history in getting an independent state in shortest possible time.
It was very hard and tough journey to travel on foot from Amritsar to Wagha Lahore. The entire route was filled with dead bodies of human beings of all ages killed by Hindus and Sikhs. Some military persons were seen on the roads with rifles but they were very small in number. This was the most painful journey covered to reach own new born country Pakistan. Britishers had taken pains in putting up excellent buildings offices to run their day today administration sitting thousands miles away from the seat of power. They gave us best road network, irrigation system and postal system. As a young child in new Pakistan happened to visit schools hospitals government offices with no electricity but weather was very friendly. Police was only seen in police stations. People were law abiding by nature. I remember to have seen bicycles at night with light hanging on handle, tongas the only conveyance when moving after day light had two lamps tucked in on left and right side visible from distance mainly for identification .Be it Railway Station or offices there were huge fans with long strings pulled by men known as “Punkha Pullar “to keep the offices cool to ensure officers working in all weather conditions are comfortable. Civil courts had nice buildings with proper discipline, with facility of drinking water in Mud made Matkas. At the time of partition 32.5 million people lived in Pakistan, all worked hard to shape Pakistan’s bright future. I landed in Sind a small town of Shahdadpur District Sanghar. It was perhaps cleanest city I ever saw. The dawn dawned with cleaning of roads and streets by sweepers and later on drains washed with fresh water with Quick lime spread over them to stop breed of mosquitos. It was summer of 1954 when I visited Session Judge Court in Jacobabad. The temperature was unbearable but the moment I entered the court premises it was very pleasant. I could see clean benches inside the court. One man controlling office with demonstrated skill. Pakistan stood test of the time but we failed even to maintain well developed offices left by Britishers. We still find glimpse of old Railway Stations, schools, hospitals, courts well-constructed and properly maintained. However with the passage of time Pakistan developed and moved forward and is now Atomic State. Sheer hard work resulted in building strong Pakistan but failed to build institutions due to politicisation. Somehow or the other we failed in providing legitimate genuine facilities to our people. Name any government office, municipal office, for that matter any office of any nature. Nothing moves without paying speed money (bribe). Offices are so crowded with people who are assembled for their work at times breathing becomes problem. Old days were good days. There is no place to sit in public offices, the places are full of dirt and filth. But some offices has to be maintained properly. Any public office for that matter has to be clean and in order especially the lower courts. Throughout Pakistan barring few places we find cluster of people roaming in court premises giving an impression of some market. I happened to appear in civil court in District Court premises. I was shocked to see applicants standing in scorching heat due to shortage of covered place and benches. To stand in the sun was In fact forced torture. I almost fainted. I managed to reach Honourable Judge Court thought would get some relief in his AC Room and some bench to sit and wait for my turn. The room was boiling with one window opened to get hot air along with ceiling fan, the room was congested with no air conditioner, it was presenting picture of oven, it was so humid one could hardly breathe. The fan had perhaps only one speed. We are in 21st century but still living in era of pre independence. If the judge administering the justice is not at peace and comfortable there are chances of some slips. I could paint more horrible picture of lower courts poorly maintained but I have written what I saw and physically faced. This should not be seen case in isolation besides myself there were scores of people of all ages facing the same ordeal. The purpose of writing all this is not to criticise but give realistic picture, seeing is believing the poor condition of lower courts. It is just to emphasise the need for revamping and making court rooms and sitting areas fully air conditioned with proper furniture and drinking water facility plus the toilet facilities for men and women maintained properly. Chief Minister is requested to allocate adequate budget for the renovation of lower courts. Honourable Chief Justice Sind High Court may kindly look in to this most important issue of public interest and see for himself the urgency of the matter. This is not a complaint nor it is criticism but humble feedback therefore contents should be viewed in the spirit these have been narrated.