TFD Stocks Overview

The History of Palestine and Israel in the light of Hebrew Bible

The map included both Palestine and the East Bank of Jordan river as well as the parts of what are today southern Lebanon, Syria and Trans Jordan. Parallel to the Conference, the leader of the Arab Delegation, Prince Faisal Bin Hussain signed with the Zionist Delegation leader, what became known as Faisal-Weizmann Agreement. It outlined Faisal’s Approval for a Jewish Homeland in Palestine and an Arab nation in the larger Middle East. The Agreement was mediated by Lieutenant Colonel, Thomas Edward Lawrence, known as Lawrence of Arabia. Faisal signed, adding in his own writing, that the agreement be dependent on the Arabs gaining their independence. After this agreement. ‘El Caramel’ published the news report on Faisal-Weizmann Agreement on its front page. Israeli Historian Hillel Cohen threw his light on the Zionist policies of 1919.

Fig. 1. The map of the world from Al-Idrees’s book on geography of world. This map also represents Palestine. Copyright: Googfe, Khalid Lateef alias Momin Iqbal Bey, Department of Foreign Policy, Foreign Relations, History, Archeology, and World Studies, Iqbal Research Institute Lahore (Indian Administered Jammu and Kashmir Chapter). Address: Khayabaan-i-Iqbal Lahori, Vidhya-Nagar, 17-Bunpora, Trehgam, District Kupwara, Indian Administered Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir 193224.

“From 1919 onward that focusing on foreign policy was not enough. We had very good relations with London, representatives in New York, Washington, Berlin, Paris and so on. But we had to take the local people more seriously to have an agreement with them or at least take them into consideration. In 1919 the Zionist Movement established an intelligence centre here. Relations had been good between Jews and Arabs in many areas. There was a second generation of Jews whose parents came here in 1884 or 1886. They spoke Arabic, rode horses and had Arab friends. They started gathering information mainly political opinions. Would the Arabs agree to the Zionist Programme? Where was the empty land? Who was ready to sell land to Jews? And if there was a plan to attack Jews in a particular area, then would tip off his Jewish friends. Warning them when there would be attacks on Jewish settlements.”
In 1920 the first British High Commissioner for Palestine was appointed. Controversially London selected Herbert Samuel for the post. Samuel was a committed Zionist. Many suspected he would set out to implement, what he had proposed five years earlier. By favouring, Jewish immigration to transform Palestine, to a Jewish Homeland. In 1922 A.D, the League of Nations formalized British rule in Palestine. The second clause of the British Mandate document, approved by the League of Nations stipulated:
“The British Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under political, administrative and economic conditions that will secure the establishment of the Jewish National home.”
British High Commissioner Sir Herbert Samuel, decreed Hebrew as an official language of Palestine alongside Arabic and English. The letters, E and I were added to the word Palestine in Hebrew, as an abbreviation of the words, Eretz Yisrael, meaning the land of Yisrael (Israel). Salman Abu Sittta, Palestinian Author and Academic is a writer of, ‘Atlas of Palestine 1948’. According to him, Samuel permitted the establishment of separate Jewish institutions. He says, “Herbert Samuel was responsible for the legal creation of Israel under the British Mandate. He enacted at least a hundred separate legislative items, to ensure that Arab lands would pass into Jewish hands and permitted the establishment of a separate Jewish educational system. But the crucial British accomplishment was allowing the Jews to have their own army. I am talking about 1920.”
“Britain provided the muscle on the wish they could simply immigrate. I mean they could not have immigrated, were not for the British presence. Because the crucial battle in the early stages was simply getting Jews into Palestine and acquiring land. They could not have done without British sponsorship.”
David Hirst, U.K based British Journalist.
“The British Mandate took all unclaimed properties neglected or owned by the government and gave them to the Zionist movement to build settlements.”
Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Palestinian Arab Political Activist, Passia.
“The British authority granted land to the Jews to build Kibbutzim. We saw these things, but failed to interpret them properly.”
Musallam Bseiso, AP correspondent and Palestinian Journalist, (1948).
“The British protected the Jewish Agency, which worked as a Semi-Government. Giving it all the help they could and assisting it to conceal its activities. It was Zionist skill, British conspiracy and I’m sorry to say, Arab and Palestinian folly.”
Palestinians viewed the British Mandatory Authority and British troops on the ground as siding with the Jews. More and more Palestinian farmers expelled from farmlands began to join newly formed revolutionary groups. In 1921 A.D, Palestinians organized large demonstrations against Jewish immigration. At that time, the Palestinian leadership was in effect hereditary within one family. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin Al Hussaini, inherited his position at the age of 25, following the death of his brother, who had in turn succeeded their father. The leadership sent successive delegations to London to discuss the Palestinian question.
“The Palestinian national movement was trying to maintain friendly relations with Britain along with hostility towards the Zionist movement. This was impossible.”
Yusuf Hijazi, Arab Scholar and Researcher.
A. Biblical and Rabbinical literature are the terms, derived from different old languages. The root of Biblical is usually from the term Holy Bible. Bible derives its root from ‘Biblos’ which means a ‘book’. Rabbinical Literature connotes that type of literature, which has been extracted from Hebrew Bible or from the Old Testament. This tradition is mainly based on the writings of Rabbis (Jewish Imam, Preacher or scholar of Judaism). Rabbi is a term, which connotes many meanings. In Hebrew language Rabbi means, teacher, guide, path waver. In Egyptian the name of God is written in the context of Rabbonai. This Egyptian Hieroglyphic Rabbonai tooks its place in Biblical Hebrew. Its contextual meanings pour ink in the historical lexicons of Syraic, Syraic-Aramaic, Armenion, Paleo and Pictorial Hebrew, and Konic Greek languages.
B. Canaan is a Biblical term meaning, the area of Palastine from the sea shores of Mediterranean ocean, the Nile river, the Tigris, and the Euphrates river. The area of Fertile Crescent equal to the size of Rhodes island is Canaan.
C. Extracts from the Visual and Audio voice of Al Jazeera’s Featured Documentary on Palestine conflict. This documentary can be also visited on these sites:
(A) Facebook: (B) Instagram:… (C) Twitter: (D) Website; (E) google+: (F) YouTube:
D. For further references and information, please refer,
Extracts from the Visual and Audio voice of Al Jazeera’s Featured Documentary on Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 5:04 till 5:23 minutes. This quote by Israeli Historian, Hillel Cohen, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 20-second-long audio via video clip. It reads in original romanised Arabic as:
“Taba Un kun Fi Taifa Yahudiya Fil Bilad Tah til Hukumah til Usmani wa Sadaq Maa Kun, Maa kanu Wa sahiyne. Suma Maa Ya Kunu Yahood Mah leel. Ama AlYahud le Aje mun Uruba Khusu sun min Al Sharqe uruba hazi fi awail Waqat fi hazihil Akhir waqat. Li kun Tisaa aa Ashur. Kaan Bidahu Yabnu Sahyuni Alyahudi Jadeed”…I was unable to note and write carefully, the right romanised Arabic, due to fast speech and accent of the historian Hillel Cohen, due to his Palestinian Israeli Arabic accent. The English translated Transcript can be found on Page no:4 as it has been scribed as quote in paragraph No: 1. I will be highly obliged, if the lectors of text will correct me here.
(A) Facebook: (B) Instagram:… (C) Twitter: (D) Website; (E) google+: (F) YouTube:
E. The ‘Jewish State’ is the 19th century text of early Zionism, was jotted down in 1896. Its original title in German was published in 1896 A.D as:
“Der Judenstaat Versuch Modernen Lusung Der Judenfrage, von Theodor Herzl”
F. Late Dr. Anis Sayegh was a Palestinian scholar. He was born in 1931 A.D in British Mandatory Palestine. He was also the most well-known Palestinian Encyclopedia Editor. He died in 2009. He is understood as the eyewitness to ‘Nakba’. He contributed in his whole life for the cause of Arab-Israel conflict. Inshallah, the coming future generations of Palestinian diaspora and world will remember his works and fight against Zionism. This is extract from the Visual and Audio voice of Al Jazeera’s Featured Documentary on Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 6:38 till 7:27 minutes. This quote by Palestinian Arab scholar, Anis Sayegh, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 59 seconds long audio via video clip. It reads in original romanised Arabic as:
“Indaa Maa Herzl Bada aa Yud uu Rasmi yun Wa Ada nun Li Iqamat, Hazaa Il Qiyaam Wa Sanaa Tu Saa Biduu Wali Aalum Al Qubla Ana aa Zaak Fi Al Uruba Al Shariqe Khaas, Hataa Tahmee Wahidun Minha Tahmee Hazaa Al Qiyaad. Faa Herzl Hua Abu Duwal Al Suhyuniyah Maa Fi Sharq Izaa Kinuu Laisa Mubdah Al Fikre Suhyunii, Huwaa Ma aqat Mutamad Le Hazihi Maan, Wa Tafaqatu Duwal Ada Dahum. Huwa Kaana Fihi Tanafus Bayana Duwala Ul Ukhraa. Kaana Yuktub Al Adawlaa Anu Anaa Saqool Makum Izaa Asustum Dawlat Israel. Dudu Duwal Ukhraa Ana Uni Masali Hakum Ala Hisabi Masahil Ukhraa.”
G. The links of Broadcasted episode are given above in reference no iii, and iv. Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 8:01 till 8:14 minutes. This quote by Al-Zaytouna Research Centre scholar, Dr. Mohsin Saleh, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 14 seconds long audio via video clip. It reads in original romanised Arabic as:
“Be haysa Ana Haa Zul Jisum Yaqoon Mutamad Al ul Iste maar il Garbi waa Yaa Tamiid Al al Urubiyeen. Haa za al Jism, Waa Maa Un Baqa uu Un Yaqunu Maa Huw Lahu Daifun.”
H. Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 8:15 till 8:25 minutes. This quote by Israeli Historian, Hillel Cohen, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 20-second-long audio via video clip.
I. Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 9:16 till 9:36 minutes. This quote by Palestinian NGO activist, Wakeem Wakeem, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 20-second-long audio via video clip.
J. Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 9:37 till 9:51 minutes. This quote by U.K based Journalist, David Hirst, is a Transcript from English language of 15-second-long audio via video clip.
K. Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 9:51 till 10:17 minutes. This quote by Israeli Historian, Illan Pappe, is a Transcript from English language of 27-second-long audio via video clip.
L. Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 10:17 till 10:35 minutes. This quote by Arab Political Analyst, Azmi Bishara, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 19-second-long audio via video clip.
M. Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 10:52 till 11:16 minutes. This quote by Arab Political Activist, Mahdi Abdul Hadi, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 25-second-long audio via video clip. Mahdi Abdul Hadi also runs his NGO Namely, Passia.
N. Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 11:43 till 12:13 minutes. This quote by Professor of Middle East Centre, Oxford University, Prof. Dr, Eugene Rogan, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 31-second-long audio via video clip.
O. Ibid. Featured Documentary on Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 13:48 till 14:32 minutes. This quote by Professor of Middle East Centre, Oxford University, Prof. Dr. Eugene Rogan, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 44-second-long audio via video clip.
P. Extracts from the Visual and Audio voice of Al Jazeera’s Featured Documentary on Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 14:33 till 14:52 minutes. This quote by Professor of Middle East studies and Imperial College London, Prof. Dr. Avi Shlaim, is a Transcript of 19-second-long audio via video clip.
Q. Jewish Chronicles, of May to December 1917 A.D. especially Dec 7th 1917. These issues of Chronicles give us wide information that how much the Zionist Movement was strengthening in that time. The British Mandate of England changed the panorama of Occupied Palestine.
R. For more information and further references, please refer, Crane-King Report of 1919 A.D. Crane-King Report suggested Britain, to give up the idea of Jewish Homeland. But nobody listened their voice. Even 85 percent of the American Jewish Diaspora rejected the concept of Zionist State of Israel. Crane-King Report warned Zionists not to work for the Zionist Program of establishment of Jewish State. It was one of the greatest blows for European Zionists.
S. Faisal-Weizmann Agreement was signed in 1919 A.D. Faisal Bin Hussain and Abdullah Bin Hussain were the sons of Shareef Hussain, who was one of the Governor of Vilayat (Province) of Hijaz. At this time In Ottoman controlled Arab Peninsula, the Arab world was divided into Vilayates. For example: Vilayate Mosul, Vilayate Baghdad, Vilayate Shaam (Al Suriya or province of Greater Syria), and Vilayate of Hejaz (Holy cities of Makkah and Medina including some parts of Yemen and Adan port). Faisal was announced as the petty king of Syria and then Iraq. He was one of the Arab leaders, who sold their lands for their nonsensical wishes. Faisal’s arguments helped Zionists in constructing their plans without any applause. After the defeat of World War 1 in 1918 A.D, the European Powers including United States of America started annexing the Ottoman controlled lands. In 1882 A.D, Britain annexed the Egypt from Ottoman Umbrella which included Suez Canal, Province of Upper and Lower Sinai, Nile and all the lands until boundary of Libya and Chad. They also conquered Greater Sudan of African Continent. And some area of Eriteria, Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Somalia. With the rise of British conquest, they also set their feet in the tribal lands of Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Bahrain. In 1912 A.D, Ottoman Empire lost Libya due to Italian invasion. Amidst the same era, they also lose the area of Balkan states which Included present day Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Rostov, Krasnodar, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia. Ottoman Empire also lost Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco (Al-Marrakesh) in African continent by the French Colonialism.
T. For more information and further references, please refer, Nassar. Najib, ‘El Carmel’ Volume No: 28, Issue No: 1807, 1919. Its report read in Romanised Arabic:
“Al Itifaaq Al Arab Al Yahudi Li Sanata 1919 Al Malik Faisal Waa Al Sahiyuhiyah.” It means that, Zionists and King Faisal have signed an agreement of 1919.
U. Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 18:43 till 20:20 minutes. This quote by Israeli Historian, Hillel Cohen, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 1 min and 20 seconds long audio via video clip.
V. For further information please refer, British Mandate Document, 1922. Clause No: 2.
W. Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 21:29 till 22:02 minutes. This quote by Palestinian Author and Academic, Salman Abu Sitta, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 34-second-long audio via video clip. He is also the author of, ‘Atlas of Palestine 1948’.
X. Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 22:02 till 22:30 minutes. This quote by U.K based Journalist, David Hirst, is Transcript from English language of 28 second long audio via video clip.
Y. Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 22:31 till 22:40 minutes. This quote by Arab Political Activist, Mahdi Abdul Hadi, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 10-second-long audio via video clip.
Z. Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 22:41 till 23:01 minutes. This quote by Palestinian Journalist and AP Correspondent, Musallam Bseiso, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 21-second-long audio via video clip. Musallam Bseiso was one of the active journalists of pre and post-Nakba period.
Z. (1) Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 23:02 till 23:23 minutes. This quote by Palestinian Arab scholar, Anis Sayegh, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 21-seconds-long audio via video clip.
Z. (2) Palestine conflict, episode 1 at 24:58 till 25:15 minutes. This quote by Arab scholar and Researcher, Yousuf Hijazi, is a translated Transcript from Arabic language of 17-seconds-long audio via video clip.

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