The town of Seetpur awaits the attention of the Chief Minister


Seetpur, once renowned for its grandeur as a magnificent state, has now become a tragic reality. The city’s past was rich, filled with the splendor of kings, the joy of princes and princesses, and the comings and goings of white-clad armies that reflected its cultural brilliance. However, the relentless passage of time has confined this city to memories of the past. The city, once a cradle of magnificent buildings and sturdy forts, now lies engulfed in piles of garbage and the clutches of corruption. Unfortunately, a group of government representatives, officials, and flatterers is further deteriorating Seetpur’s condition. The incompetence and corruption of these officials have hindered the city’s development, turning public resources into a playground for looting. Flatterers, driven by personal interests, interfere in political and administrative affairs, exacerbating the city’s decline.
The sanitation system in Seetpur is in dire straits. Sanitation workers go unpaid for months and are often employed to clean the personal estates of local representatives instead of the city itself. This is a result of the worst administrative negligence and political interests, leaving the streets and alleys of Seetpur buried under heaps of garbage with no effective cleaning measures in place. As a result, public health issues are on the rise. The foul smell, insects, and filth have made life miserable for the residents, yet, unfortunately, no authorities seem willing to address these problems. In such circumstances, living in the city has become incredibly challenging, and there is no sign of practical efforts to resolve the sanitation crisis.
The tales of Seetpur’s king, known for his compassion and justice, still linger in people’s minds. He was a ruler who cared deeply for the prosperity of his subjects and was a symbol of love and mercy even for animals. For instance, if he heard the cries of jackals at night, he would immediately order his army to provide them with bread and water. But today, such love and justice are absent in Seetpur, replaced by corruption, incompetence, and dishonesty. Sadly, the city now stands as a testament to its lost glory, and memories of its golden past evoke nothing but sorrow.
The city’s MNAs and MPAs are limited to ceremonies rather than addressing public issues. The state of hospitals is also deplorable, where staff prioritizes serving political leaders over fulfilling their duties. Government officials sit idly in their offices, and no practical measures are taken to improve the sanitation system. Seetpur’s hospitals suffer not only from poor cleanliness but also from administrative chaos. Here, fourth-grade employees are entrusted with tasks meant for trained medical staff or doctors. These employees carry out tasks such as performing X-rays, distributing medicines, and dressing patients’ wounds, despite lacking the required training or expertise.
What’s even more disheartening is that doctors live in fear of these employees. These fourth-grade workers are backed by local MNAs and MPAs, granting them immunity and enabling them to act as they please in the hospital. Their political backing has made them fearless, further disrupting the hospital’s system. These workers rarely show up for duty, and when doctors summon them, they are met with calls from higher-ups and even threats. Sadly, there is no one to hold them accountable. The public is helpless and has nowhere to turn.
This situation is leading to grave consequences for the hospital. Entrusting authority to unqualified individuals has endangered patients’ lives and completely disrupted order within the hospital. Under these circumstances, strict measures and reforms by the hospital administration and the government are imperative to steer this crucial health institution in the right direction.