Initiation of free education and health sectors in Chaman District


Chaman District is one of the poorest districts not only in Balochistan but also in Pakistan. Its population of millions is deprived of most of the facilities of life like electricity, education, health, employment, peace, merit and corruption-free system. Due to this deprivation and injustice, there is chaos, suffering, problems and distances in the population of millions of Chaman District. Its poor people do not have the power to eat bread twice a day.
Most of the children of Chaman District are deprived of education while the young people are deprived of employment. Likewise, thousands of old men and women are on their deathbeds. Thousands of young people live in Balochistan-Sindh. In the hotels of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, foreigners spend their days and nights supporting their families, so that they can maintain their dignified living. Here in Chaman District, there is no other special source of livelihood. The Afghan border has also been closed continuously for ten months as a result of it becoming paralyzed. The poverty has increased and the household expenses have become a burden on the poor people, forcing the boys and girls to do hard work instead of education.
In such a grave and delicate situation, scenes like crimes, drugs, suicides and despair are witnessed in human societies. In this modern era, the population of millions of Chaman District is not only deprived of the basic facilities of human rights such as electricity, education, health, internet, sports, peace, and employment. They are deprived but disappointed. The poor people are worried about paying high expenses of private educational institutions and private hospitals of Chaman District. On the other hand, clean drinking water is not available for the poor people in public hospitals and public educational institutions.
Due to severe poverty and severe unemployment for the past five years, hundreds of young people have been shifted to far away provinces and countries to change their poverty-stricken destiny, saying good-bye to their relatives and loved ones, so that they can regain the dignity of their life-style. They support their families while living thousands of kilometers away from their family members. Despite all these problems and difficulties, no one feels pity for the poor people of Chaman District, nor did they feel sympathy from anyone. The problems and sufferings are increasing and the new generation is getting involved in dangerous drugs and crimes. These factors have arisen due to the poor policy and performance of the government and political rulers. Even today, ignorance is the rule of the age, which itself is good. They don’t take actions; they also look down on the practical actions of other philanthropists. We will get rid of such negative thoughts and thoughts. As soon as we do, we will definitely see scenes like the current situation.
Despite seeing this worst period, no political, religious, tribal or businessmen had the intention to sympathize with the poor people of Chaman District. Fortunately, looking at the social life of the European countries, the Japan’s Hunar Jan Foundation founder Haji Nazar Jan Achagzai realized that if all the nations living in our Chaman District could live a life equipped with education, literature, skills, employment and other facilities. In continuation of this great thinking, Haji Nazar Jan Acchazai brought and regularly installed dialysis machinery in the DHQ Hospital of Chaman District, which has been providing free dialysis services to many patients. By the way, John Foundation’s talent Haji Nazar Jan Acchazai continuously worked on two important sectors. There is free professional education: in the first time two educational institutions and in the second time English language and computer training in which 900 students of the poor people of Chaman District are studying besides provision of free dialysis in free health facilities including complete machinery and equipment.
Ambulances are included in this facility which performs dialysis for hundreds of patients of Chaman District every month. This is not limited only to Chaman District but poor patients of Afghan refugees will also benefit from this machinery. Chaman and other benefactors used to donate Rs. one million which was very insufficient amount, now this system has been providing day and night services at an annual cost of Rs. 10 million through John Foundation’s Hanar Haji Nazar Jan Acghazai from December 2023 till now.
John Foundation has also played an important role in providing employment in addition to the free system of health and free educational. It has given regular duties to 20 poor people of Chaman District in these two sectors. After restoring the educational institutions in the cities of Chaman District, they would make it possible to start these free sectors in the surrounding villages, where the rural population is high there is a plan to provide free education is under consideration. In the initial stages, John Foundation in Chaman District, there are two rehabilitated educational institutes in which first time 300 poor students get completely free professional education and second time 200 get English language training besides 400 poor students get free computer course very good and calm.
In this environment, these 900 poor, disabled, helpless orphan students of Chaman District are getting equipped with education, language and computers thanks to John Foundation. Haji Nazar Jan Acghazai, the founder of John Foundation, says that I will expand this system under myself. I hope that other businessmen and philanthropists of Chaman District also show sympathy with the poor people in their own areas so that it is possible to get rid of poverty and unemployment together has kept the two active sectors of free health and free education under the supervision of John Foundation free and away from all kinds of politics, prejudice, communalism, nationalism and subservience because the agenda of John Foundation is only free education to the poor, poor, orphans and disabled. To provide free language free computer course and free health facilities.
In the initial stages of John Foundation, the most important problem of dialysis in DHQ Hospital Chaman has been solved. Every citizen can benefit from these two important sectors like education and health under the supervision of John Foundation. With the continuous efforts of Haji Nazar Jan Acghazai, the talent of John Japan and the founder of John Foundation, these two sectors will expand further.