Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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China CG Emphasizes Importance of Gwadar

During Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s visit to China, the Chinese Consul General, Yang Yundong, underscored the significance of Gwadar and the broader China-Pakistan relationship. Speaking at the “Meet the Press” event at the Karachi Press Club, Yang highlighted the commitment of both nations to combat terrorism and ensure the safety of Chinese nationals and institutions in Pakistan.

Yang reiterated China’s unwavering support for Pakistan’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. He praised Pakistan for choosing a development path that aligns with its national conditions, emphasizing stability, development, and prosperity, as well as the fight against terrorism. Yang stated, “We wish Pakistan to achieve socio-economic development, prosperity, unity, stability, and security. The active development of China-Pakistan relations will always remain a priority in China’s diplomacy.”

The Consul General highlighted the comprehensive cooperation between China and Pakistan, pointing to the construction of the Karakoram Highway as a symbol of their strong partnership. He noted that during Sharif’s visit, leaders from both countries agreed to deepen their strategic partnership, promote practical cooperation in various fields, and address international and regional issues of mutual concern.

Yang emphasized the strategic importance of Gwadar Port as a key node for regional connectivity. He noted the nearing completion of the new Gwadar International Airport and the necessity to accelerate the development of supporting facilities at the port to fully realize its potential as a transshipment cargo hub.

Discussing the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Yang outlined plans to build on its successes and implement the eight actions for high-quality Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) cooperation proposed by China. This includes developing five major corridors focusing on growth, better life, innovation, green development, and openness. These efforts aim to create an upgraded version of CPEC aligned with Pakistan’s “5Es” framework — exports, E-Pakistan, environment and climate change, energy and infrastructure, and equity and empowerment.

The Consul General noted that the upgrade and renovation of the Main Line-1 (ML-1) project have been included in the CPEC framework, recognizing its strategic significance to Pakistan’s socio-economic development. Both sides agreed to explore phased advancements of the project and discuss financing models as per the leaders’ consensus. Additionally, they agreed to accelerate the rerouting of the Karakoram Highway (Raikot to Thakot) and upgrade the Khunjerab-Sost Pass inspection infrastructure for year-round opening.

Yang emphasized industrial cooperation as a priority for high-quality CPEC construction, encouraging Chinese enterprises to invest in Pakistan’s special economic zones under market-oriented and commercial principles, thus enhancing Pakistan’s industrial and export capabilities. He urged Pakistan to optimize its business environment and provide favorable policies for Chinese investment, emphasizing the potential for cooperation in the mining industry and agriculture.

He expressed hope for joint efforts in clean energy, artificial intelligence, financial technology, and space cooperation, stating that these initiatives would inject new momentum into China-Pakistan cooperation. Yang reiterated China’s support for Pakistan’s fight against terrorism, emphasizing the need for a safe business environment for Chinese nationals and projects in Pakistan.

Addressing global economic challenges, Yang emphasized the importance of opposing unilateralism and protectionism to maintain global economic order and supply chain security. He noted that China remains an attractive investment destination with a stable economy and a favorable environment for foreign investment.

Concluding his address, Yang acknowledged the uncertain global situation but expressed optimism about China’s economic outlook. He praised the Karachi Press Club’s role in promoting China-Pakistan friendship and people-to-people exchanges, highlighting the strong working relationship between the Chinese Consulate General and the club. KPC President Saeed Sarbazi and Secretary Shoaib Ahmed also spoke at the event.


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