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President Calls for Comprehensive Plan to Prevent Urban Flooding in Karachi

Date: Monday, July 22, 2024

Location: Aiwan-e-Sadr

Key Points:

  1. Directive from President Asif Ali Zardari:
    • President Zardari directed the Sindh government to prioritize a comprehensive plan to prevent urban flooding in Karachi.
    • The strategy should be sustainable and long-term, based on international best practices for managing sewage and stormwater.
  2. Meeting Overview:
    • The meeting focused on saving Karachi from urban flooding and environmental degradation.
    • The aim was also to promote sustainable water resource development.
  3. Presentation of Solutions:
    • International water and sewage management experts presented various solutions.
    • Proposed solutions were based on successful models like the tunnel sewer systems of Washington DC, the London Super Sewer Project, and the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System of Singapore.
  4. Key Attendees:
    • Chief Minister Sindh, Syed Murad Ali Shah
    • Adjutant General Lt General Muhammad Asim Malik
    • Minister for Local Government Department of Sindh, Saeed Ghani
    • Mayor Karachi, Barrister Murtaza Wahab
    • Chief Secretary Sindh, Syed Asif Hyder Shah
    • CEO Karachi Water and Sewerage Corporation, Syed Salahuddin
    • Country Head Herrenknetch Pakistan, Col (r) Danyal Naveed Ahmed
    • Senior government officials and local and international water management experts.
  5. Proposed Solutions:
    • Development of a network of small and large sewer tunnels under existing roads in high-flood zones.
    • Underground tunnelling using modern techniques to avoid disturbing the public, city traffic, and land ownership.
  6. Current Situation:
    • Karachi generates approximately 450 million gallons per day (MGD) of sewage.
    • Sewage and stormwater are currently collected in open drains which empty into the Lyari and Malir rivers, eventually polluting the sea.
    • The existing network of drains has limited capacity, absorbing around 50% of rainwater under normal circumstances, leading to urban flooding during excess rainfall.
  7. President’s Instructions:
    • Complete the feasibility study for flood control in Karachi through tunnelling options within three months.
    • Approach international donors for environmental financing due to the project’s significant environmental impacts.
    • The wastewater treatment system would help supply treated water to Balochistan for agriculture and promote the fisheries sector.
  8. Additional Remarks:
    • The President emphasized the need to clean Karachi and its coastal areas to match other metropolitan cities globally.
    • He highlighted that the city of Hyderabad also faces urban flooding and sewage issues, which need to be addressed as a priority.

President Asif Ali Zardari has called for immediate action to develop and implement a comprehensive plan to prevent urban flooding in Karachi, using sustainable methods and international best practices. The involvement of international experts and potential financial support from global donors are critical components of this initiative. The plan aims to not only resolve Karachi’s flooding issues but also improve environmental conditions and water resource management in the region.


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