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The History of Palestine and Israel in the light of Hebrew Bible

We inhabit the bubble that’s created in that way. That’s the image in Enuma Elish and…

The History of Palestine and Israel in the light of Hebrew Bible

It was Kingu who contrived the uprising, And made Tiamat rebel, and joined battle.” [So] They…

The History of Palestine and Israel in the light of Hebrew Bible

So pagan festivals in Israel, Kaufman says, are historicized, commemorating events in the life of the…

The History of Palestine and Israel in the light of Hebrew Bible

The Hebrew Bible New Testament in its Ancient Near Eastern Setting: I had mentioned in the…

The History of Palestine and Israel in the light of Hebrew Bible

Hebrew Gospel Tradition of Mathew in Christian Communities. The Gospel of Matthew is a Gospel of…

Ch Rahmat’s input needs to be acknowledged: Noushin

Special Report ISLAMABAD: Ms. Noushin Javed Amjad has said that the basic object and charter of…

The History of Palestine and Israel in the light of Hebrew Bible

General overview of Historical Texts: The original Jewish followers of Yeshua as Messiah were an ancient…

The History of Palestine and Israel in the light of Hebrew Bible

Introduction to the Hebrew Bible: Miqra, another name of Tanakh is the collection of canonical Hebrew…

Dr. Ruth Pfau – Transformed countless miserable lives

Let your light shine as an inspiration to humanity and BE THE REASON someone believes in…

The History of Palestine and Israel in the light of Hebrew Bible

To become an Israelite, later on a Jew – the word “Jew” isn’t something we can…